Angel Number for the Month of June
Each month I will feature a set of Angel numbers and share with you their meaning . Angel numbers are often one of the most common ways that our Angels will have to communicate with us ! Sometimes we don’t even realise the importance of such numbers and how much it takes to actually send them to us !
You may see them repeatedly and on everything ! I decided to share with you my Angel number 11;11 . I literally see it everywhere, on the clock, on the oven timer, on number plates , on messages at the time of sending or receiving.
You can see single numbers also like 11 but if you see it doubled it is their way of saying “ HEY “
- 11;11 Is your Angels saying watch your thoughts. Everything you think, you get !
- Focus on only the good in everyone and everything
- Stay away from negative thinking
- This is your time to shine
- Give your fear to the Angels , they’ve heard ya !
- If you see it , think what it is you’re thinking of at that time ! Make sure its good
- Clear your mind
Always know your angels are with you , watching , guiding and helping.
Much love Paula xx