The 12 Angels Of The Month
January: The angel of January is Cambiel (Gabriel). He is also the ruler of the Zodiacal sign Aquarius. Cambiel is the angel of magic and transformation.
February: The angel of February is Barakiel. His name means “The Lightning Of God”. Therefore, as his name suggests, he is the ruler of lightning.
March: The angel of March is Malchediel. Also, he rules the zodiacal sign of Aries. His name means “Fullness Of God”. This angel holds the focus of grace in the heart of everyone.
April: The angel of April is Asmodel. He is the ruler of the zodiac sign Taurus. He was the chief of the choir of angels called Cherubim.
May: The angel of May is Amriel. He is the divine Prince of the Thrones. Also, he rules the zodiacal sign of Gemini. He protects us against the evil forces.
June: The angel of June is Muriel. This beautiful angel is the ruler of the zodiac sign Cancer. But he is also the ruler of the choir of Dominions.
July: The angel of July is Verchiel. But he is also the ruler of the zodiac sign Leo. His other name is Zerachiel. And he is the ruler of the Powers.
August: The angel of August is Hamaliel. He is also the divine ruler of the zodiac sign Virgo. And he is the prince of the order of Virtues.
September: The angel of September is Zuriel. And he is also the ruler of the zodiac sign Libra. He is the divine ruler of the order of Principalities. His name means “My Rock Is God”. And he is the guardian angel of newborn infants.
October: The angel of October is Barbiel. He is also the ruler of the zodiacal sign Scorpio. Also, he is the angel of Compassion.
November: The angel of November is Adnachiel. But he is the ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius too. He is one of the rulers of the order of angels. But he shares this duty with Phaleg.
December: The angel of December is Hanael. He is also the ruler of the zodiac sign Capricorn. His name means “Glory Of God”.
If you pray for the angel of the month your were born in, he will protect and guide you. Therefore, I hope the this list of the Angels Of The Months helped you to find your guardian angel.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]