If this card speaks and literally shouts out to you – then this is meant for you. It’s how it works in the land of the Angels
They will have purposely put you in the correct place and the correct time to see this very card as their way of guiding YOU!
Synchronicity at its finest from your guides and guardians in heaven.
What Is The Card Saying?
Well it’s simply telling you that it’s time to put yourself in a place of receiving. This could be from the Angels , from your family, work or even yourself! Time to STOP giving and allow the tables to be reversed. For some of us it’s a hard thing to receive when we have for so long been the person who has given ~ this card however is informing us that the rewards for all we have done are about to be reciprocated to us .
So sit back and relax and have a quiet confidence that things are in the up ! Only good can come from now on
Trust your ANGELS ~ after all they are there to please only you
Love as always
Paula x