A Year from Now
Although this is actually an Angel card and was drawn out of my regular pack as such for the purposes of my Angel Card feature, it actually inspired me to talk a little more about its statement!
Do you ever think about wherever you will be in one year from now? Do you make plans for the future or are you a “go where the journey takes you kind of person?”
Many of us reading this will be maybe in between. Perhaps some have aspirations of where they would like to be but just trundle along with no real aim…then some will have route maps and strategies to get there in a certain time frame.
It’s slightly harder for me as so much of my future is already mapped out with events but sometimes that’s actually quite daunting in itself. Knowing that for the next year my every move is taken charge of and mapped out with detail.
I know that whatever route you take to your year from now, take it easy with yourself and be gentle in your choices. Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and you have lots of years ahead of you . Make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself with too much but then again don’t aim too low
“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it”.
So if this ANGEL CARD really resonates with you today ~ let it sit with you and ask your Angels for a sign to help show you the way…
Lots of Love
Paula xx