So we have seen enough of turkey or nut roast to last us till Christmas 2019 and the chocolates have been picked over leaving just the nasty ones in the box ! We have finally managed to make the living room look a little more organised after the mad dash of the gift giving and undoing and all of the gifts you don’t like, want or that don’t fit have hopefully been returned ! So our thoughts turn to the New Year 2019 and what it may or may not bring. For the most of us it’s a new start and a chance to reinvent ourselves, at the very least in our mind. I have for as long as I can remember done this new year , new start thing and every year is the same ! 70% of us quit or New Year’s resolutions by the end of January !
It is a popular thing to do in the Western Hemisphere, so we are not alone in our choices but do we put far too much pressure upon ourselves to tackle so many areas of our lives at once ? Is that the issue ?
Are we wrong to take a look at ourselves and our work and family and forensically examine it and then rebuild it in this way ? Before New Year did you do this to yourself or did you just carry on ?
I feel we do it in the wrong way and probably the best resolution would be to enjoy life and be in this moment ! Why can’t we tackle the issue over a period of time and start with one thing and add a new thing every month if and only if we are happy with the current months events ?
If we set a goal that is so far away we are NEVER going to reach it and then we set ourselves up to fail instantly causing a feeling of inadequacy and that then brings around an entire different feeling to the one we are trying to beat !
Above is a common list of things we would like to achieve on our resolution list ; but if we do ENJOY LIFE first most of the others will fit into play automatically. By enjoying life we would feel good in ourselves and make healthy choices , because we feel good we would be able to help others and maybe quit smoking if you smoke because you already feel good and better equipped to take on a major challenge , you would lose weight because your making healthier choices and be all round a FITTER you than before !
So this year why not lessen the load of what to be or how to be it and start off with 1 or 2 smaller thoughts and let them build the rest for you ?
I want to end this article on a note about grieving and starting the New Year in a different way to the last one. For some of us 2018 will have been sad and perhaps some of you reading this lost someone very special and facing 2019 without them is a huge weight on your shoulders. My advice is to not attempt anything new at all. Your life is different enough already and you will be learning how to act and think differently as it is without the extra burden of adding something else for you to have to think or worry about . Allow your time to grieve , it is a natural process shouldn’t be rushed in any way . Allow 2019 to simply come and go and think of it as rolling on without the need to focus on the new of it all. Unless you want to . Remember you’re in control and no one else can tell you hot or what to do , no matter how well meaning they are ! Including me…….take each day as it comes and think of it as a bonus you made this far .
Lots of love as always and whatever your situation is I really wish you all the best for 2019
Love Paula xx