Cut yourself some slack, you are doing better than you think.
How many times a day do you find yourself feeling guilty because you haven’t perhaps been as organised as you had hoped. Maybe you feel guilty because you have let someone down or you have veered of form you plan. Or it may more than that and you may feel that you have strayed from your diet or not achieved everything on your list. Maybe you feel guilty because you are not grieving properly or you haven’t become better when you compare yourself to someone else ?
What is absolutely crucial here is that there are no deadlines ! There is no time limit on some of these things, certainly not on grief or healing. Does it really matter if you didn’t accomplish everything on your to do list today ? Sometimes we all have daily demons to battle and it’s OK if they come in and take over for a while , just don’t beat yourself up about it!
Irregardless of where you are on your journey , just know that the most important thing is that you keep on walking , someday tiny footsteps others great big strides, but always keep going forwards.
If you take a few steps back now and then , well, that’s ok too. One day you will be out of those woods and you will be free and in a good place, the trick is now to actually enjoy the journey you’re on. Maybe not in the way you used to especially in grief, but we have to find small things in every day to allow us to feel alive.
So CUT YOURSELF SOME SLACK . Don’t beat yourself up about the small things you have yet to do ! We will get there in the end …..
Don’t rush the process . One of my favourite things to say if I get a set back in my day is “ oh what’s all this about then “ or ‘That’s interesting”: sometimes it’s just life’s way of saying …’hey you ‘ take a break, take a back seat. The more we worry about the NOTS or the we HAVEN’T the harder it becomes to take that next step forward
Release that inner demon and simply LET IT GO …..cut yourself some slack
Love Paula xx
Hi paula
Ive bought tickets to stranraer 14th November but i could only get 2 vip at tgat time
I have also purchashed another ticket will it be possible for that person to stay for the vip session imwilling to pay the extra x
Hi Marie,
Can you please email us your request to [email protected].
Kind regards