What Do You Miss The Most?
I’m not sure if there is one thing I miss more than any other about my loved ones in heaven , but at a recent event I was honoured to bring through a husband to speak to his wife of 55 years. He said the most profound thing about what he missed the most and how glad he was that he had actually been taken first so he didn’t have to actually miss her, because he was always with her. He then went on to say that if he had have been here he would miss dinner time the most as her cooking was so good. We all laughed and cried at once but it got me to thinking what a fabulous statement it actually was . He would not have been able to live without her cooking his wonderful food.
In the grand scale of things it is probably something quite peculiar to miss but i thought it was amazing. It then set my mind thinking to all my ups amazing cooking and how I will never get to taste her lamb chop dinners with mash and thick onion gravy again .
I then began almost compiling a list of things I miss about my loved ones in heaven and I mean really miss , not just the obvious things that we all miss every day like phone calls or hugs. These are the things that only they did in a certain way that we can NEVER experience again in our lifetime without them.
My list was VERY different for each person and I would like to share it with you and give you a thought on what you miss and why ? It was fairly hard to write without crying to be honest ~ but the tears did flow and although sad it was hugely cathartic to remember the things that to a degree I had forgotten to miss.
~ Top of the list has to be her cooking. I have learned everything about cooking and baking from her but even with that said her apple pies and jam tarts and Christmas cakes and Yorkshire puds where outstanding . It is truly no surprise I am fat given the food I was raised on, all homemade from scratch and full of carbs and stodgy but I wouldn’t change that for anything . The weight I can shift but the memory of coming home from school to a big plate of home cooked food will stay with me for a lifetime.
I loved her outrageous sense of humour , she would literally laugh if her shirt was on fire so I no wonder my humour is what it is today.
Her music , we ALWAYS had music blasting away at home, from Elvis to Shirley Bassey to Strauss you name it she played it !
~ well the list would be endless here so I have had to reign it in slightly. His laugh , it was the most infectious laugh there was . He would always lift the mood wherever he was in a way only he could do.
His inventions , oh my they were crazy. He would be in the garage for hours , banging and drilling away and come out with an invention to pick the plums off the tree or a unit for storing screws so perfectly made. The best he ever made was to half a walnut shell , line it with velvet and but hunger and a clasp on it . Inside was a pair of earrings he had bought for me. I still have one half of the shell and it is priceless to me.
He was an incredible artist and we would sit for hours drawing together , we actually between us had many drawing hung at the local Ferens Art gallery in Hull city centre. Sadly my drawing days dont have the same feel to them anymore.
His collection or air fresheners in his car ! He had them all stuck on is dashboard and i think you can still buy the feux orange one even today ! He has this original 1972 orange VW Beetle that he loved so much and he would pick me up from school in it and we would go for a drive in it. I love him like no one else in the world.
~ he was very different from keithy in so many ways. For the most part we would argue like cat and dog and weirdly I even miss that . But Mike was the protector for me, the one who made me feel safe. He would follow me around like a security guard and whenever I watch Jason Statham all I see is my Mike ! He made the most amazing curry and he taught me how to chop up garlic. I miss his smile and his crooked teeth. Mike was the fixer and would always mend anything that was broken, he could build anything and I would always turn to him for that. His hugs where legendary and when you got a cuddle for Mike you knew that is was deserved as hey didn’t happen often . I miss his texts and the way only he called me Paul or sis and that I would give anything right now to see an ‘I love ya sis” on my iPhone . For no reason he would send it right out the blue !
I hope you enjoy thinking about what you miss the most and that if you have cried they are tears of love and cherished memories that perhaps sometimes we have forgotten to miss ……
Love from a somewhat wet faced Paula