Ouija Boards – Good or Bad ?
You might not expect to find this article on this App ……to be honest I maybe would never have considered writing it either if it had not come up in our VIP section recently . A mum asked me if her son could contact his dad through a Ouija Board as he had been trying and was having no success with it.
I hope my face did not reflect the horror I was feeling inside to this statement~ I’m known for not having a filter at the best of times. I carefully advised her that there were much better ways he could communicate with his dad and the board needed to go away for good !
The ouija also known as a spirit board or talking board, is a flat board marked with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0–9, the words “yes”, “no”, “hello” (occasionally), and “goodbye”, along with various symbols and graphics. It uses a small heart-shaped piece of wood or plastic called a planchette. Participants place their fingers on the planchette, and it is moved about the board to spell out words. “Ouija” is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc but is often used generically to refer to any talking board. According to Hasbro, players take turns asking questions and then “wait to see what the planchette spells out” for them.
Where do Ouija boards come from?
Ouija boards have their roots in 19th century America, and the spiritualist movement. The movement was led by mediums, who claimed to be intermediaries between the living and the dead.
Talking boards as they became known were soon established and, in 1891, businessman Elijah Bond decided to turn the board into a toy – which initially sold for around 75p.
They were used extensively in the last century and I dare say many of you reading this may have at some point used one , or made one out of a mirror and scrabble letters.
Elijah Bond
I remember when I was around 17 being at my aunt Pams’ house for dinner along with my parents, Pam was a funny lady and one of my favourite aunts. It was good Friday and she decided to get the board out ! I didn’t know what it was at the time and they all seemed up for it so not to disappoint I joined in.
We all held on to the glass and suddenly it went wild , spelling out GOD and Kill , the board was shaking, the table was moving , so convinced was I that Pam was moving it I insisted we all let go and moved away …..the glass still kept moving ! It shot across the room at the same time the lights went out and the curtains blew like crazy , with no open window at the time. ! My first and last experience ever I can tell you !
This is only my opinion I must say but it is a word to the wise for any of you contemplating using it . Our loved ones in heaven will NEVER come through this way . It takes far too much energy to be involved in parlour games for them to waste. It only ever gets the attention of bad and negative spirits in heaven who enjoy playing games.
I always advocate that if someone has been bad in this world , dying isn’t automatically going to give them Angel wings and therefore it is these spirits that would come through . It is linked to the occult and black magic and is usually correctly so portrayed in horror movies for very good reasons as BAD !
There are far better ways to talk to your loved ones then one of these boards believe me.
Always be safe and when trying to contact anyone , ask for protection and guidance . Your loved ones always have your back ! Even if sometime you don’t .
Much love paula xx