For many of us in Scotland this week sees the children break up for their summer holidays and this includes myself . A big year in the Obrien household as my baby Poppy leaves primary school to embark on her journey to high school and beyond. It is a bittersweet week as all of my children have attended the same primary school and it is the end of an era. Kind of makes me feel older having all my kids at senior school , but I do believe Pops is ready for the challenges that lie ahead for her and we wish her all the love and Angel blessings for her future.
This week has seen us attend local events and it has been nice to be back in Scotland with our tour
We have been busy doing practise runs, if you like , of the new event format that we intend to roll out as part of our Autumn season . This is very exciting to us as we are trying to give new and exciting ways of bringing our much loved shows to you but with a slightly different spin on things. It has been interesting to see the reactions of people when we introduce them and so far it has gone down very well. Rutherglen was full of great readings and ultimately validations but the last reading for me was incredible. I began by talking about donor and organ failure in a younger energy and how there was no hope of recovery. A mum put her hand up and as the message began to unfold, it was her son who at just 9 months old failed to get the donor he so desperately needed and sadly passed away in her arms. He was full of amazing detail including his name …..Matthew or Marty as he insisted I called him. Left everyone with tears in their eyes and perhaps a gentle realisation on how lucky we are , even though sometimes we don’t feel it. A big hug being sent out to his family .
We have an amazing section in our new event where I invite people to join me and hand me something that belongs to a loved one . This wonderful family in the photo got to spend an amazing time with me and their mum/nana . All from just holding the wedding ring ! It was so emotional and real and honest , the only way I know how to be !! We then asked a lovely man and his daughters to join us and he literally had us all sobbing along with him, as we reunited them with partner / mum. The depth of the message was incredible and I know just how much they needed it and much it meant to them to hear from her given that she just crossed over at Easter this year !! Amazing
Paisley Up Close & Personal…
This was the 1st trial of our new format shows for our Up Close Events. Whilst the focus is still very much on the readings , We have introduced perhaps a different way in some parts of bringing your loved ones through, allowing more people to actually get a reading on the night ! I was a little nervous as it’s never easy to try something new especially when you have been doing it a certain way for a long time. It went really well and I am sure the people of Paisley loved it also. The energy flowed and the people who received the readings had some wonderful validation from their loved ones who had crossed over.
I even managed to do the odd Angel Card reading during the interval !
Ayr Up Close & Personal…
One of the most frequently asked questions I get is ” what signs do I look for? “
My answer is always the same. “ Look for the usual robins and feathers, but be very aware of signs so unique to you that it has to be from your loved ones “. Last night in Ayr I personally received such a sign. The lady I was reading for in the above photo at last night was called Sandra Thompson , my mums name and even with a “P” in the spelling. This is a sign… a world of turmoil and trouble and stress and the unknown , YES I TAKE THIS AS A SIGN !! And will do time and time again….look for the unique way your loved one can communicate with you and you will be astounded, as was I .
This week as being testing for me with the heat, I actually have a super rare allergy called heat and cold urticaria and in both weathers I can take an anaphylaxis at any point. Last night I struggled greatly but proved to myself that I am actually stronger than I think I am ! It makes me feel super tired and faint during an attack and I carried on throughout the night spreading love and messages with the gentle care of my brothers in heaven. You never know how strong you are until you are tested !
Much love Paula