Feng Shui for Luck…
The Chinese have used the art of Feng Shui for years to bring good energy into their homes and create a harmony within the walls. It is all about having a smooth flow of Qi (pronounced chee). Imagine it to be like water flowing in you front door , it needs to go smoothly and touch every angel and room throughout your space.
Here are a few tips to perhaps boost that flow and help clear the negative energy stuck within. Every little helps right ?
Wind Chimes….
If you open your front door and the stairs go straight up then so does you Qi leaving the downstairs untouched. If you can also see the back door whilst stood at the front door , then the flow goes in and straight out ! A wind chime just inside the front door ensures that all parts become touched with the flow of energy , it helps regulate it and maintain it.
You can get a Feng Shui mirror like the one in the photo , however an ordinary mirror tile or a pack of mirror tiles will work just as well.
If you have a sharp object like a building edge facing your house, or a lamp post stuck right outside your front window then simply place the mirror facing outwards to reflect the tidal wave of qi that will be rushing at your house.
If you have a long corridor or stairs the qi may be exhausted by the time it reaches the end so use 3 or more mirrors, they don’t have to be big. Place them diagonally opposite each other to bounce the energy along the corridor.
A mirror can be placed in the kitchen or dining room behind the fruit or bread to maximise the food coming in and if you are self employed then place a small mirror near the cash register to double the takings !
At home your bed should be able to see the door but not face it , if you cant see the door use a mirror to reflect it towards you . Never put mirrors at the end of the bed ! Feng Shui says when you drop off to sleep your spirit will see itself in the mirror, give itself a fright and wake you up !
Plants in the home have long been used by people who proactive Feng Shui . They can purify the air and cleanse the energy around you so effectively . If unlike me you remember to water them that is !
Spikes plants like cacti are placed on windowsills to ward of burglars; round leaf plants are brilliant for encouraging luck within the home.
If you have an uneven room with angles in it , the qi will just bounce around it , so try a trailing plant hanging to over the sharp corners.
A plant within the workplace on your desk is perfect for banishing bad luck and the bad energies of others in the workplace
In most Chinese take always or restaurant you will see the plant above in the photo . This is a lucky bamboo plant !
Blessings Corner…
To find your wealth corner do the following:
- Stand in the room with your back to the door . If it has 2 doors use the one nearest the front door
- Point with your left hand forwards and left , to the far left corner of the room.
- That is your fortunate blessings corner
Make sure any plants here are round leafed. Things that are made of wood are good here. Take a red envelope and place in it 3 identical coins. £1 coins are good. Leave the envelope unsealed and leave in this corner. If the universe wants to help you it will ! Why 3 coins ? …..to attract a 4th ! The photo shows red ribbon attached to Chinese fortune coins. You can find these on eBay etc to hang in this corner.
Further Tips…
- Always close the toilet lid when not in use as the water literally drains the luck away
- Place a mirror on the outside of the toilet door to reflect the opposite wall so as to pretend the toilet isn’t actually there ! Too far ??
- Uncluttered your space. Be brutal ! Less is more
- Open windows and allow as much natural light in as possible
- Lift the blinds and allow in light
I hope this little starter article allows you to become aware of how you change your own energy !! A little can make a huge difference