There will be times when you have accumulated some negative energy. This might happen at any time and is never pleasant when it does. Don’t worry though, it is very easy to rid yourself of all this energy. You simply need to know how.
Washing it away
One of the best and simplest ways to clear yourself of negative energy is to have a bath or a shower. As you wash yourself, imagine that you are washing away the negative energy that you have attracted. Make sure you wash your hair at the same time. As you watch the water disappearing down the drain, know that it is carrying the negative energy with it. Salt can also help, if you feel as though the negative energy is stuck to you and won’t just wash away, you can use some sea salt to help the process and salt is incredibly cleansing.
Clean clothes
Our clothes hold on to our energetic residues, so it’s a good idea to keep the, fresh and aired. If you have had a difficult day, perhaps because you had an argument with someone, ideally you should wash all your clothes from that day before wearing them again. If that isn’t possible at least take them outside and give them a good shake to knock out the negative energy, then leave them to air on hangers. Remember to give your shoes a good airing also! This also applies to bedding after a restless night’s sleep or a nightmare!
Cleaning your energy after an argument
Arguments inevitably stir up lots of negative energy, even if they end amicably, You need to clear this energy – not only from the room or area in which the argument took place, but from your own aura. To clear the room, open the windows to let in some fresh air and then clear the atmosphere in whatever way feels appropriate. This could be by walking around the room clapping your hands in order to break up the energy. You could also place a small bowl of sea salt in the centre of the room and leave it there for as long as possible. The salt will absorb the energy. Be careful when disposing the salt not to put it back in the salt grinder but maybe bury it in the back garden.
Here’s a quick quiz to gauge the level of negative energy within you:
- Do you complain? All the time or just sometimes?
- Do you often discuss what’s wrong in the world more than what’s right? This includes the ‘terrible’ weather, ‘horrible’ traffic, ‘idiotic’ government, ‘lousy’ economy, ‘stupid’ in-laws, etc.
- Do you criticize? All the time or just certain people?
- Are you attracted to drama and disaster (can you unglue yourself from the TV when there’s a news story of a disaster and can you avoid getting involved in the lives of dysfunctional celebrities?)
- Do you blame? All the time or just certain situations?
- Do you believe that you have no control over most of your results?
- Do you feel like a victim? Do you talk about people doing things to you?
- Are you grateful for what is or will you be grateful when things finally start going right for you?
- Do you feel like things are happening to you? Or do you feel that they are happening through you?
This last two points are important!
If you feel that these things apply to you here are some ways to clear your negativity :
- Take ownership: “When you think everything is someone else’s fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy.” – the Dalai Lama
- Cancel negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. This takes practice, dedication and making a decision to see the world through the eyes of “what can go right” instead of “what can go wrong.” You’ll have to catch yourself anytime you are acting out or speaking out your negativity, and immediately change your tune.