Crystals are immensely effective. They can transmit great power which you can train yourself to detect with your hands or to see in your mind’s eye. For instance, if you pass your palm over an amethyst you will feel a cool breeze radiating from it. Crystals are created by geophysical forces within the earth whenever its crust is put under enormous stress. They hold the memory of the tremendous forces that were involved, which is why they have such strength.
You may already have a collection of crystals without even realising it. For instance, you may have jewellery decorated with diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies and amethysts. This is an excellent way to work with crystals, and many others are also available as jewellery. Alternatively you can buy crystals in different forms such as polish stones, geodes and raw crystals.
You may imagine that the bigger the crystal the more power it has, however there is no truth in this. Small crystals are just as powerful and have the bonus of being easily portable, so that you can carry them around with you if you wish. Many shops sell crystals and it’s worth visiting a few of them to see what is available. Get a feel for different crystals and don’t be afraid to ask if you’re looking for a crystal to do something specific. You can purchase them online but remember to send them back if you don’t like their energy. It is important to choose the right crystal, and feel attracted to it and comfortable with it.
Dedicating your crystal
Before you begin work with your crystal, you must tell it what you want it to do. After cleaning it, hold it and send it loving thoughts. Now imagine light streaming into it from your third eye or brow chakra ( see previous article on chakra’s ) When you’re ready, say aloud, ‘ I dedicate this crystal to [ state whatever is appropriate ] may it work for the highest good of all concerned. ‘ Repeat this dedication every day and whenever you work with crystal, in order to increase its power.
Popular crystals and their meaning
Crystals all have different meanings and uses, we have listed some of the popular ones below and a short version of their meaning, you can read so much more into crystals and it is something that can be very helpful and interesting to your health and wellbeing.
Clear Quartz is a stone of manifestation that energizes and activates the energy centers within the body. It helps the wearer to think clearly, allowing them to focus and become clear about their dreams and desires. Assisting with spiritual development, Clear Quartz assists in removing blockages in the body so that energy can flow smoothly.
Blue Lace Agate is a wonderful stone for activating and healing the Throat Chakra. It enhances verbal communication and expression, while promoting the acceptance of your emotions. It is a very supportive stone that calms your nerves, bringing a sense of peacefulness. Blue Lace Agate is an especially helpful stone for those who may be feeling depressed or worried. It can also be used to relieve insomnia and ease tension headaches.
Amethyst is a natural stress reliever that encourages inner strength and brings wealth and a strong business sense to its wearer. It is a crystal of spiritual growth and protection. It brings clarity of the mind to their owner and helps you to become more in tune with your feelings so that you get to know yourself on a much deeper level. Amethyst crystals repel negative energy and attract positive energy, making them a wonderful protection stone for the home. They have one of the strongest powers to rid your home of any negative influence.
Hematite is a very protective stone that helps you to stay grounded in any situation. It absorbs negative energy and calms you in times of stress or worry. When you wear Hematite, it helps you feel balanced, calm and centered. This stone helps you to find your own, unique talents, releasing self-imposed limitations.
Lapis Lazuli is a stone that has existed since the beginning of time. It is a gemstone of total awareness that connects the wearer to a higher truth. Lapis Lazuli helps to foster verbal expression, opening and balancing the Throat Chakra. It provides wisdom and connects you to your spiritual guardians, shielding you from negative energy and returning any negative vibrations back to their source.
Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass formed from molten lava that has cooled very rapidly. It is a grounding stone that provides an instant connection from the Root Chakra deep into the core of the Earth. Obsidian helps to clean and remove negative energies and assists in releasing emotions that cause negative energy such as anger, fear, jealousy and greed.
Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love. It is one of the most important stones for Heart Chakra work, as it opens that heart to all types of love—love of the self, love of family, love of friends and romantic love. The soothing energy of Rose Quartz fosters empathy, reconciliation and forgiveness of others, lowering stress and tension of the heart. It can clear out anger, jealousy and resentment towards others, allowing the healing of heart issues caused by holding onto these negative emotions.
Tiger’s Eye helps to rebalance the body on all levels, encouraging optimism and trust in the future. It brings brightness and light into all situations and shines insight onto all problems. Tiger’s Eye brings good luck, abundance and prosperity to its wearer. In many ancient civilizations, it was used as a talisman against bad luck and curses. Tiger’s Eye is a must have in any home for healing.
For more information and to learn more about the healing powers of crystals – check out some of these links below :