Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea…. And That’s OK!
Read this and listen to the accompanying POBcast to go with it.
It really is ok to have people not like you! In fact, it’s a perfectly normal thing to go through. Imagine a world where everyone loved you and thought you were the best thing since Warburtons finest sliced. It would be horrid, you would be so conceited, your head would explode.
It’s just a shame that so many of us spend years and much-wasted energy trying so goddamn hard to try and get these people to like us, that is can actually make us ill! The bottom line is you will NEVER achieve it, they are not meant to like you! So quit trying already. Use this energy on something better in your life. We all have that one person that no matter how hard we try doesn’t approve of us, or seems to prefer everyone else more. That’s ok! So walk away and find a better focus point. But Paula, I hear ya shout, she’s my boss, or I work with her. Yet again it’s ok, with her love and never ever lower yourself to their vibration. It’s NEVER about you, it’s ALWAYS about them and their journey. Your role is to go about your day tending to your own vibration, they will tend to theirs and it is none of your business how this done. What is your business is tending to your own vibration …..would you go and garden your neighbour’s weeds before dealing with your own!
So …….let them haters hate and surround yourself with people who get you …..concentrate on loving you and the rest will follow…
You got this!
Love as always
Paula xx