Do I Ever Switch Off ?
This was an interesting question I received at one of my VIP sessions. I know the answer should be yes and I try very. Hard to actually achieve this , but it’s often harder than you think.
For those of you who follow me or have attended my events you will know by now that my brothers, Mike and Keith, work with me and are my guides and best friends. They control everything I do and remind me frequently with Keith setting off the fire alarm when I least expect it ! Keith was a fireman and thinks it’s funny to surprise me with these things wherever I go !
My brothers Mike & Keith
So when I finish an event or a private reading I ask them to switch me off . It’s especially necessary when I’m in a crowd such as a shopping mall or an airport as I actually get overwhelmed in these places.
Before any work I may do that involves talking to your loved ones I go through a series of protection and meditation and ask my boys to switch me on. This can be time consuming but I think now we have it off to a fine art . This involves doing something so simple as a Facebook live, everyone has energies and although I love you all I don’t need your energy to mix with mine……sometimes it can cause horrific results if me and the boys do not protect me properly or I rush the process. As an empath I literally feel and absorb everything around me and grounding is one of my daily practices without fail ! Or I may find myself grumpy, on edge , emotional or super sensitive and that’s hard for others to understand who work around me . It’s a daily threat and one I’m careful to avoid at all costs !
So with all that said can I switch off?…..yes and…..erm… I like to think of it like this, both Mike and Keith served in the emergency services , Keith was an active fireman at the time of his passing and Mike worked for many years as a policeman for the Metropolitan Police Force, so I like to think of them as my emergency services . If in the event of an emergency at their discretion they can call heavenly 999 and I will respond !
I’ll give you a for instance……..
Dreaded visit to shopping mall, busy Saturday afternoon , my absolute worst nightmare if I’m honest ! As always I ask the boys to protect and ground me and at all costs do not let anyone who is even a little bit dead come to speak to me ! I had been away on tour all week and was so tired and drained I just wanted to simply be mum out shopping. It started off all well and meaningful until I found myself looking in a shop window at china pots ! I had enough already, i didn’t need anymore surely ??? Suddenly I’m in the shop buying these not needed plates at Derby and one lady was serving ….she was folding my pots away neatly in tissue paper and her recently crossed mum stood behind her….Mike begged me to talk to her as her daughter so much need this message. They had called 999 on me and of course I responded as I should – gave the lady the message of all messages, reduced to floods of hysterical tears , gave her a cuddle and went on my way. Leaving this lady more able to cope with the grieving and more over the guilt she was feeling since mum had gone over to the other side.
Was it an emergency ? Absolutely and truly needed … I guess I can never truly turn off and like to think of it as been on call should the need arrive…..perfect in every way.
Lots of love Paula xx