Say Thank You
Are we a nation of ungrateful people ? Do we forget to say please and thank you ? Or is it my old age beginning to creep in , as I notice policemen getting younger and reflect on the cost of motorway service cups of tea ! I’m turning into my dad I swear !
I was raised in a world and an era where being polite was actually the normal , but these days in a world of things constantly being taken for granted sadly it seems not to be. It’s almost as if things are just expected and the culture is just to take and not say hey thanks for that.
I go out of my way to say thank you but am constantly being reminded of a distinct lack of it in the world today .
I am extremely grateful to my audiences when the applause and for the hotel staff who look after us and the waiting staff who go that extra mile to bring me my gluten free toast or that special omelette not on the menu , and they often loved shocked when I say ..’ thank you so very much “. I find this sad and not at all acceptable . Who’s fault is this ? Is it ours for being in this kind of society ? Are we teaching our kids the wrong things, are we giving them to much ? I think perhaps yes and for the next generation I hope it stops soon.
This post started off as a thank you to the Angels for helping us, but as I began to write it turned into a general moan about lack of manners . So forgive me ! Moan over with now I promise. Now back to the point , do you say Thank you to your Angels for leaving signs and for sending thoughts and guiding you ? So many of us take these little things for granted ! But a kind word is all it takes and we can take that further in our day to day life.
Let’s say thank you to anyone who needs it. It helps raise a person’s vibration and you could actually make a huge difference to someone’s day by just saying that simple word of appreciation. A little goes a long way doesn’t it ?
I always try and start my day off with a positive affirmation and actually have a ‘Thank You ‘ journal . You can buy them online . You have to begin each day by writing down what your thankful for in your life. It’s a good way of not forgetting the things we do actually have instead of focusing of the lack of what we have in our lives.
Sometimes it’s the smallest of things that we forget to say thank you for ! I know a few people who forget to say thank you, I bet you do to …..lets not be one of them
Start your day tomorrow by being grateful for 10 things in your life and make a point of saying to 5 separate people how much they mean and how much you appreciate what they do for you !
Lots of love as always
Paula xx