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Take a Day off From Your Phone !
5 Billion people now own a mobile phone ! That is two thirds of the world’s population! We look around and that is all we see ~ people on phones. It makes you wonder what we did without these devices in our life ? We lived a life in the real world for sure . Social media runs many of our daily routines and it is apparent we never take a day off from them. I have tried , albeit unsuccessfully myself many times and the pull for this stupid little machine just talked over, It is like a drug . We are addicted ! I scroll endlessly on Instagram at baking pages and watching others make and bake their creations. I look for inspiring things to write about on here and read copious amounts of books and quotes to give the best I can. I scroll through Pinterest and save things , then take delight in making the pictures turn into works of art on my Werble App . When I look up the day has gone and night has fallen.
On our way to events I sit for endless hours on end and often look up and we have miraculously arrived often some 4 hours later!
I love my phone. I chat to my kids, Face-time them when I’m away , have endless talks with them about their day . I do my shopping and run my life on it. However I’m sure this comes at a cost to me and ultimately to them. These devices limit our real life time ! I spend some time on there when maybe I could be doing other things so getting the balance right for sure should be a priority.
Could you actually take time out without it? How long would you last ? Minutes, hours, a day ?
Some people actually have a no device day in their houses as part of their routine . Choose a dedicated time when this should happen and stick to it . Not just for the kids but for the adults too ! We do not even have a house /landline any more now we have mobiles.
People get angry with me if its on silent and they cant get me ! Can you imagine that 20 years ago !
So TAKE TIME OUT put your phone in phone poison for a while and see how long it lasts. Play games , do a hobby , relax, meditate , watch a movie . Spend time doing anything but scrolling !
Try it on a weekend maybe first so you its OK to be out of reach. Make it fun and set the rules ! You might want to involve others so it’s easier to buddy up , if it helps .
Warn everyone your going dark for the day ….off the radar , off that grid ! They may panic and send out a search party lol
Once you start it try and keep it going for the future. You may really enjoy it ! Of Course reread this article first and book tickets to come and see me , then go dark ha ha ha
My daughter Poppy is the worst culprit for using her phone ( more than me ). So at Christmas Jess bought her a phone prison ! We are using it today for the entire day ! I’ll let you know how we get on …….so far so good. But it’s only been 5 minutes . [/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”94426″ img_size=”medium” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]
Let me know how you and your family get on
Love Paula and her phone !