Sometimes in life it’s hard to keep things in perspective especially if we in a journey through grief. I have found throughout my years of being a psychic medium that people actually feel guilty after a loss of a loved one for smiling, laughing and even being out in a social environment.
The hard fact of this is that’s it’s ok to still ‘live’ and upstairs as I call it actually want us to still enjoy these kind of interactions.
I understand totally that going out and being completely immersed in a social whirlwind and acting like coco the clown would be a little suspect as would staying at home and crying into your soup everyday but being in ‘BALANCE’ is perfectly ok.
However this is not just about grieving , being in balance throughout your life is equally as important . If your dieting it’s important to allow the odd treat to still indulge in things now and then makes you feel good.
If life seems like a constant battle in your head it’s perfectly ok to turn it off now and then and give your ‘MIND’ a work out
Allow yourself time to be you !
Imagine if you left you mobile phone 24 hours straight with no charger ~ what would happen ? It would go flat and run out of battery for sure. So now and then we plug in the charger and allow it to top itself up. How often do we do that to ourselves though ? Many of you reading this now will probably NOT do that at all to your own bodies or minds . Then at some point you may find you simply cannot function properly . This in turn leads to anxiety , depression and a whole host of other illnesses.
Being in BALANCE allows the body to charge itself.
Grief is a very long and winding road, I know because I am still on it but I have traveled it keeping in mind that my family in heaven would allow me to sometimes take time out from the tears and allow myself to have a life ! No two people grieve the same and it matters not what others may think of you during your journey ! Perhaps it’s time to stop thinking what others may think of you if you go out one night with friends and let your hair down !
There are many ways to allow your mind and often sanity to take a break. I am a huge believer in mindfulness and have covered this subject in several articles here on the app that may be useful for you to read.
It is vital to set yourself boundaries and learn to say NO , you cannot be everything to everyone ! You may find yourself saying YES and then thinking why did I say that ! You have to allow space to do what you want to do even if that is sat doing nothing
Its ok to take timeout from the kids, the family, the world , the tv even if for 10 mins a day ! We all need to get back in touch with who we are and you need to be assertive with this and perhaps let everyone know that the next 30 mins is mine and didn’t disturb me ! They will soon become accustomed to this time being special for you . Perhaps you can even set up a place just for you to do this.
Someone asked me a while ago when I was in the throws of a very dark time in my life what I found fun. It alarmed me that I actually couldn’t give him an answer ! How tragic is that ? Nothing I did gave me fun or happiness. That in itself was only adding fuel to my already burning fire of unhappiness. It was something that has taken me time to adapt too and I can now actually say I have things in my life that I find fun and can look forward to.
Try and not get yourself into a rut with the same thing day after day. Mix it up a little and be brave and bold. The same routine can be very boring and often keeps us with in our comfort zone and safety barriers. This leads to frustration and can often bring on moments of darkness.
So rather then do the same thing all the time mix it up !
I hope this helps you to realise life is is ok and if you don’t feel that now , give it time and allow yourself to be in balance ~ ALWAYS !