At some point in our life it is a subject that like it or not we all have to deal with. One day we will grieve someone or even be the person someone else is actually grieving for! I hear so many comments on this very subject I asked for an entire page where I can share my thoughts with you on this and in some small way perhaps help you cope with what I like to call “Our journey through grief”.
It isn’t a medical condition that can simply “Be cured”, it isn’t something we can simply “Get over”. It is a NATURAL part of life and in my opinion an experience that cannot be rushed. I have myself, grieved many people and I find myself still in the grief woods although, I have to admit most days I let the light in to show me the way forward. This has taken me a long time to allow and many up and down walks through endless grief pathways to just find that moment where I can actually mention a name without crying . Hey some days even now it’s still hard to do, don’t get me wrong . I have my good and bad days as we ALL do . But it is so important to sometimes just allow the grief to flow and not fight it.
There will also be times when I feel the grief peaks, this maybe on their anniversary or Angelversary as I prefer to call it. Perhaps yours peaks at Christmas or a birthday or even whilst you’re walking around the supermarket and their song plays. Whatever causes it to peak is a gentle reminder that love flows then and now for that person and is often our Angels way of saying hello remember me!
Today, I want to focus on celebrations of our loved ones on these days to help us deal with it with a different perspective. I have done the whole staying in bed and not getting out until the day is over routine too many times and I am now at the stage where I can actually celebrate the special day and I actively look for ways to improve on it each year. Perhaps start off with something simple such as a balloon release or letting off a lantern whilst saying a few words.
One of my favourite memories of this was down at Scarborough sea front at night, we let off a lantern for my brother on his special day. Just to watch it float off into the night sky whilst my family surrounded me and I said a prayer for him was enough.
We will share more on how to cope with grief soon and please feel free to comment with how you celebrate a special day