Having a rough week ? Under constant rain clouds? Nothing going your way ? Then this is for you ! We ALL have times were our faith and strength is questioned , it’s all part of the journey.
Imagine this for a while…..life is the journey , we have all heard it called that . So on that joinery it’s not always going to plain sailing ! Or stunning scenery, but it ALL make up part of it. When we go for a drive to the country or go on holidays , it’s not all perfect all the time. If our drive was all mountains and lagoons and perfect photographic moments eventually we would be so used to that , it would simply be the norm and not special anymore. If every time we turned a corner a sprawling scenic vista was there we would take it for granted. I think of life like that sometimes….if it was all good then the special wouldn’t be special anymore , it would all roll into one and what would be the good in that ?
So take the good with the bad and know always that whatever you are doing now, it’s only ever meant to be temporary …nothing and I mean nothing lasts forever !
So keep your faith , know your own strength and dig deep what you have too. Then when that view comes into your line of vision , well , milk it for all its worth and I mean suck it right in !
You are incredible and such an important part of this world. You have to believe in yourself and life and your angels ~ they only ever want the best for you , so how about we join forces and want the best for ourselves.
As the saying goes ….BETTER THINGS ARE COMING YOUR WAY ~ call me psychic !
Now go and be the best you that you can be , that’s an order !
Lots of love