Sometimes we all carry around burdens. In life it is only natural to often keep things locked away in our minds because we are too afraid to let it out. We can think things over and over and never truly let someone know how we feel, but imagine when it’s too late and this person has actually died !
These thoughts and feelings then have to stay with us locked away for a lifetime……..or do they ?
We can carry guilt , hate, love, anger all locked away in our mind, screaming to get out but when someone has sadly crossed over for many that feeling stays locked up with seemingly no way to release a it. Sure we can tell others about it down here, but is it important to them? Do their reactions and thoughts really matter of better still have any real meaning if they were not the person giving you these thoughts in the first place.
I remember after my brother Keith crossed over , he died in 1989 of suicide , I was so angry and guilty and terrified and a million other emotions rolled into one. I was very lucky that I could talk to him and tell him how I felt but I’m only too aware that for most of you reading this , it is not an option. I openly try to help people to communicate with their loved ones in spirit either silently in their own minds or verbally out loud if you feel you can. Sometimes however this isn’t just quite enough !
So the other day during a reading the most amazing thing happened….
I was reading for a daughter whose mum had crossed and the mum in heaven had told me she got the invite ! I didnt understand the meaning unti the daughter explained that she had written to her mum and told her she was having a reading and invited her mum to attend. She did this over 6 months ago and had actually brought the letter with her to the session. It was such a wonderful idea that it got me to thinking how good would it actually feel to write to heaven !
We don’t need a postmaster or even a post box, we don’t even need a stamp . I think an envelope would be nice and for me it would be good to handwritten it , an art form that is long diminishing , and then you could leave the letter perhaps at the graveside or next to a photo of them in a special place. You have to believe me they will read it !!!
Who would you write your letter too and what would it say ? Do you feel you have unfinished words with your loved one ? Do you need to say sorry or even ask them to forgive you or perhaps you need to forgive them ? Maybe you want to tell them news or things that have happened to you to share with them, like the birth of a baby or a wedding maybe.
So many people carry such burdens with them , what a wonderful way to offload them. To set your mind free……..
You could do this over a period of time , write a little every day maybe more like a journal if you like. That way you can think about it over time . The important thing is too make sure you think of everything you need to say and then…..simply seal it in an envelope and let them read it. You should ask them for a sign at the end of the letter to sign off with so you know they have read it and then eagerly await their response…..allow time for this to happen !
If I did this I would send 2 letters . One to my mum and one to Keith . Mine would be full of offloading the guilt that I felt and to unburden me from this burden I carry around with me……I would say ~I was sorry for not being there and not understanding their journey and only thinking of mine. I would tell my mum just how much I loved her and also point out that owing her was hard work at times !
I think I may just write it right now …..are you going to join me ?
Good luck in your endeavors and i hope you find it very therapeutic to do and it helps you enormously in your journey through grief
Love Paula x