Reflections Week Ending 15th June 2018
This was such a huge week for me . I have had the same hairstyle since I was 13, 37 years of the same me – roller-ed and then back combed to within an inch of its life then 2 tins of hairspray at least – until you couldn’t touch it ! Everyday the same way, until last week when this happened !
I had it cut and straightened and …..I love it ! I love it so much . It’s so easy to do and keeps fresh all day . Welcome to the 21st century Paula …. glad you could make it …better late the never eh?
I often come away from an event and proclaim it was the best night ever ! Livingston easily fell into this category with flying colours. The people where warm and so ready for their night, the messages where easy and flowed so nicely from one to the other. My brothers did an all round amazing job, it never fails to amaze me how in a room full of people I know just who needs the message . I can pinpoint a person and say “Yes this is for you “. I love it when your loved one just stands behind you and says ” Here please”. It’s fabulous
This was a very emotional night , especially for mothers. During the night I reunited a grieving mum who had lost her 7 year old son , in a tragic illness that happened almost instantly . He passed away in her arms as she was helpless to do anything but cuddle him. She had waited a long time for him to come through and he did so just perfectly . The VIP section was also full of children coming through to their mum’s and a young daughter came to her mum to tell her she was o and walked with her everyday . It was amazing to watch as her message was given and the weight was fitted from mum’s shoulders. Often we carry this heavy burden with us for years …..a reading from the right person can help lift it . Burdens where indeed lifted this night for sure
Every now and then you find someone who has such tunnel vision about who they want to hear from that when a person comes in from spirit that they don’t want to here from they miss a vital part of the evening and what it actually can bring . You have to come to these events with a complete open mind. Literally anyone who has crossed and is associated with any member of your family can come through at a session. This is exactly what happened at this evenings event! A lady’s husband’s best friend came through to use this lady to speak to his brother , who was in regular weekly contact with her husband. The message was so full of validation and once the penny dropped the message was amazing . I am relentless when I give a message and not in a cocky or big headed way but I trust the process and ultimately trust my brothers way of doing things so even when someone tells me “NO” , I will just dig a little deeper until it resonates with them.
I said at the start of the week that Livingston was one of my favourite events….that was until this night . Even I was blown away at the brilliance of my Brothers work on this night . Mike took it to an entirely different level with his messages. I asked for someone to relate to George : mentioned his age was an issue and that he has passed over of chest issues and he was a dad , not a dad figure , or uncle but a dad. Immediately a young girl rose up from her seat and proclaimed it was her dad George. He had crossed over at just 46 of chest issues. My brother then just said to me , “ mention your favourite tattoo “ I began to describe it in detail “ The tattoo I need to describe is the one that says my wings were ready but your heart was not, with birds flying away from it.” The girl just looked at me in total shock and the lady next to her gasped. She just said “ I have that tattoo on my right shoulder with my dads name underneath “. The lady next door screamed….I’m looking at it right now.
That to me is how it should be done ~ perfect to the point and simple