So for many years now one of the most frequently asked questions I encounter is the old age one of “what happens when we die?”.
Oddly enough, during a message or open session l rarely get the chance to ask any questions myself as the spirit are here to pass on their messages and are always in a hurry to tell their loved ones down here things and use the energy it takes to do that for that one purpose. l highly doubt they would like me to say “hang on a minute do you have time for a quick Q&A session?”.
So, my knowledge over the years has been gained by my own take on what they have told me during messages they pass on to others during readings. I lost count a long time ago on how many readings in my lifetime I must have given but I know it’s an awful lot given that I have been speaking to spirit since the tender age of 2 and I’m nearly 50!
As they near death
For many us reading this we will have lost someone who we knew would pass given their illness or circumstances. They know also and for many of them will often know in advance of us or even the medical staff caring for them.
Our angels gather to take us across, often days in advance with situations like this and how many times have you heard of someone shouting out a name of someone who may have passed before or lifted out their arms upwards to take someone’s hands.
They are literally calling out for the angel who is there for them to help them during this difficult time. They may be old and be calling out mum or dad, even though perhaps their parents passed decades ago.
Everyone who we have loved will be there to take us and NO ONE ever dies alone. It doesn’t matter even if they were alone in our sense of the word, they are NEVER truly alone in their crossing. Children and babies who perhaps crossed as babies or even before being born will be there grown up to greet them as will spouses and relatives
Can they hear us ?
The last thing that they lose is their ability to hear, I’m not sure if this is a medical fact but in readings most definitely is what I get told time after time. Even if they have not spoken for days, weeks or months or had any physical communication with us they know we are there with them and can often repeat to me the last words they heard before the Angels take them across. This even includes people who may be on a life support machine and even though there may be no medical evidence of life they also can hear us and feel we are with them.
Are they still poorly on the other side?
The very moment they pass, all pain is gone! It doesn’t matter how much pain they have been in during or before the crossing. It doesn’t matter how they crossed over, even if it was their own choosing and the pain is perhaps a mental one rather than bodily. ALL pain is removed and injuries are taken away.
I can remember bringing a young son through during a reading for his mum. He had been involved in a what can only be described as a horrific accident and it was not even possible for his family to identify him. He told me of his injuries and then showed himself to me literally perfect in every way! He was such a beautiful looking man and his mum was so devastated at his passing as he had facial injuries.
For her to know this was overwhelming to her during the session and brought much needed comfort to her and his family.
I remember communicating with a lovely older man who had lost his leg during his time on earth and was also bald. He made a huge deal out of telling me and his family that his leg had grown back on the other side, but he was still waiting for his hair to kick in! We laughed so much.
However, only a few weeks ago I was giving messages to a lovely mum and son from their daughter and sister who had lost her hair due to treatment for cancer and she was so pleased to tell us that her hair had indeed grown back! So perhaps it’s just a naturally bald issue.
When is it too soon for them to communicate with us ?
Over the years, I have heard many stories of people being told you have to wait to talk to someone who has crossed over as it takes them a while to settle etc. or they were too ill and need to mend and heal. All I can say is utter rubbish!
It irritates me so very much when I hear theses stories. So, to put the record well and truly straight, it is NEVER too soon! It can happen immediately. I have lost count both personally and professionally how many times I can validate this fact.
Here are a few:
My mum appeared in my bathroom 5 minutes before the hospital called me to say she had passed. She just stood there and said “I just died“, to that my reply was “you don’t say“ and we giggled!
My husbands mum had fallen down the stairs and was on life support in the hospital, we were driving down to say our goodbyes and as we approached the hospital on the M25 she appeared in my drivers mirror and looked at me and said “I just died“ .
I had to pull in on the the hard shoulder and tell Kev and sure enough the family had decided to turn the machine off before we got there! The first person she came to was her son Kev and myself.
In open sessions we have had countless people who have either passed that very day come through, or it was the funeral that day of the event or the funeral was scheduled to happen within a few days of my message!
It NEVER stops amazing me when this kind of interaction with your loved ones happens.
Do we meet Elvis ?
A strange title I know and one I often joke around with.
My mum was a huge Elvis fan as in fact most of my family was and I still am. Once when she came through to talk to me she complained so bitterly that in heaven she still had not met Elvis!
It got me to thinking then that heaven is a lot like earth in that respect that my mum would never have met Elvis here either! I guess she must have thought that in heaven, they all just wandered around for us to meet! Mmm, WRONG! No Elvis or famous people waiting, unless of course you knew them down here personally.
Do we grow old?
This always interests me and I have had this one subject matter asked a thousand different ways. In a word the answer is yes, but there are so many differing factors.
Imagine if we continued to grow old, we would be too old to communicate with or look at if aging continued as its does on earth.
I had it answered so well a few years ago during a reading.
An older lady around 85 had just crossed over, her husband however had crossed over around 45 years previously to her. She had never remarried and had waited to be with him for all of those years (how amazing).
When she came through the most amazing thing was given to me. He had aged up and she had aged down and they met in the middle! Awesome this was and they looked just perfect together.
Babies age and grow into adults but always show themselves to me at they age they first crossed so I can give this information to their parents or loved ones down here.
I hope this has given you a little insight into what happens when we cross over and helps you to understand the process a little better?
Love as always
Paula x