During my group readings, I’m encountering more and more people who are suffering from anxiety and or depression. It is often grouped together but in my opinion sometimes they are separate issues. I have suffered from anxiety many times but have actually never been depressed.
It is very common after a loss of any kind to feel these unwanted emotions and especially if before the loss you have had a difficult time dealing with life’s uphill struggles. For some of you it may come totally out of the blue following a long time of dealing with stress related issues and for others, perhaps it has been a gentle unfolding of the symptoms. Either way once you’re there it can be very hard to deal with what your body now gives you on a daily basis.
These unwanted feelings and emotions can be crippling to the strongest of us and there are so many peoples opinions on how to tackle such feelings it often becomes a mine field, making you feel more exasperated than when you began – all adding to that nasty vicious circle!
During my journey through it I would have tried anything and everything for that QUICK fix, and sure enough there are hundreds of self help gurus out there who all say they have the answer! And then charge you £100’s of pounds to get it, when the sad truth is you had it all the time!
I don’t think there is a one fix mends everything solution to this problem and have over the years tried and tested most things at my expense both financially and mentally only adding to the pile of things to deal with.
For those of you who follow me, you will know only too well that I am a big follower of the law of attraction and thinking positively has helped me enormously in dealing with my mind and how IT deals with stress and thought provoking problems that continually fly around in my mind!
I have come to learn that it is actually more simple to tackle them head on than I first imagined and that through mixing up everything I have learnt that I am in a much better place but it needs to be tackled with a firm mindset and a healthy “I can do this” approach!
Two books that helped me so much have to be
Robert Handly: Anxiety and Panic Attacks
This is the link to purchase his book on Amazon:
His book taught me to live as if I was okay, normal if you like. A new person with no checking in to see if I am okay every 2 minutes (do you do that?), it worked wonders for me and I actually own 3 copies lol just in case I lost one
I have also been a huge fan of The Law of attraction books by Esther Hicks
She has written many books and the power of intention
I have enclosed a link for you to see her works on Amazon:
Over the upcoming posts, I will follow this subject matter closely and give some helpful tips that may just change the way you think and ultimately feel about YOU!
Stay tuned for more.
Love Paula