This is a very frequently asked question during my live events and VIP sessions and it came up once again in a VIP session this week, so I wanted to cover it in depth. I am sorry if the content upsets anyone and I will enclose some helplines and websites at the end of the article if you feel you need help on some of the matters that follow.
In life many of us have faced some traumas and situations that have caused us immense pain and suffering at the hands of someone else, this is both physically and mentally. It may be in varying degrees and perhaps one or the other but usually one follows the other until we are literally broken.
This article is going to try and reassure you that after the person who has caused the pain passes that they are NOT allowed to hurt you anymore from heaven, except the pain and mental torture that they leave behind may very well last a lifetime.
I will use scenarios from various readings that I have given over the years and personal experiences of my own to reassure you.
Over the years it would be fair to say that I have seen most forms of abuse in my work. As a psychic I am allowed to glimpse into your life, however painful it may be for you in order to help you gain control of your current situation or more often than not a glimpse of your past to allow me to see what makes you who you are today.
I have witnessed abuse during my reading sessions in the worst forms – child sexual abuse, rape, molestation, drink and drug abuse, verbal and physical abuse, murder, torture you name it and I’ve seen it.
At the time most people decide to come and see me as the person who has caused this pain has crossed over into spirit and perhaps they are looking for some kind of reassurance that although the mental pain remains, this person can no longer come and get them or their family again without your permission.
It is normal to think they can as we are constantly validating that when you cross over you can walk amongst us and see what we do and report back in all manner of ways. However, imagine if the person who did all of these things to you was allowed to actually do this. How frightening would that be to the person left hanging on down on earth? I know for so many people that this is a REAL worry day after day, night after night and so on.
This article is to reassure you that they cannot and are not allowed to visit you at all in any shape or form unless you give permission.
I like to think of it as a heavenly prison of sorts, one that your guides CONTROL! Without a doubt.
Many years ago, I sat with an amazing lady who had been the subject of many atrocities in her childhood under the evil hand of her father. She grew up and suffered many after effects of this throughout her adult life and in latter years didn’t speak to her father. No charges were made and she was made to feel the evil one in the family after she brought it up. She decided to pull back from her family to protect herself and then learnt of her father’s passing.
Her worry whilst sat with me was that he could come over from spirit and I suppose haunt her. During the reading the entire scenario was played out in my mind like a video and then the unexpected happened. At the time only my Keith had crossed over, so he was my only guide. He stood before a huge wooden door, the door was closed and it had locks and barriers over it.
He looked at me and said “Paula, her father is here, he is asking to come in to say sorry”. I got the chance to ask the lady if she wanted this and she said no. The door disappeared and he went back to where he came from and she was reassured that she was in control.
I think and this is only my opinion learnt through years of such readings that this is how it is. Your guides and Angels always protect you! You need to remain in control always, as perhaps you couldn’t be before.
In another reading a man had murdered his wife and then killed himself, the mother of the young lady came for a reading. As we brought her daughter through it was very emotional as you could imagine and as the story unfolded I was made aware of the circumstances.
I could feel his presence around me but not the girl in heaven. I was given a name and asked the mum who the name was and she told me it was the son in law. I asked if she wanted him to come through and told her it was her choice and she said no. He was then put back and we didn’t feel him again.
I can replay hundreds of stories like this and every time it’s the same… we have control. Your loved ones protect you AT ALL TIMES!
So when you close your eyes tonight and lay your head to rest, sleep that little bit easier knowing they can’t hurt you again but perhaps only in your mind.
I have listed some websites that may be helpful if you have been affected by some of these points made and need someone to talk too……
Love as Always Paula X