Are you Psychic?
I often tell my audience that EVERYONE has some psychic ability to a certain degree : but how would you know ? I have been a psychic medium since the very tender age of 2 . Sure I didn’t realise it at the time , but looking back , gosh was I ever able to see behind the veil between this life and the next .
My nana Jane was very intuitive and a mean tea leaf reader and even my dad Trev, her son was a great seer . He could forecast huge events before they happened.
I know that I have tuned into my abilities over the years , although I believe I will never stop learning new ways to communicate and do my life’s work and that is why I am able to do it so well. For many they dabble here and there with the odd little thing but what if you really tired hard , could you actually be psychic or a medium.
To explain the difference .
A psychic can read into your energy and see the current situation, some of your past and look into your future .
A psychic medium can do all of that and talk to people who have crossed over.
You may well be able to speak to people who have crossed or regularly see spirits and feel other worldly activity . If you do then for sure you have some degree of psychic skills.
You may always know when people are going to contact you , or be thinking of a person and they contact you out of the blue . You may pick up your phone to check it only to find a text appears whilst in your hand…coincidence ? No its most likely your psychic skills surfacing.
If you can answer these questions your are definitely on the right path to opening up your spiritual awareness .
Do you ever wonder if you have psychic abilities? Do you tend to shrug off déjà vu experiences, or consider instances of your spot-on intuition as just coincidences? Do you ignore the unusual things you experience or take a deeper look? A large majority of us have enhanced psychic abilities in some shape or form, and it is usually an adult, guardian or parent that first notices signs of our psychic behavior.
Sometimes psychic people are thought of as evil or into black magic. This is simply not true. We all have some sort of psychic behavior, but many of us don’t know how to recognize the symptoms, ignore them or just haven’t discovered them yet. It’s only a matter of time before psychic abilities start to show.
Check out these psychic symptoms and signs that may prove you have psychic abilities. Maybe you will come to a conclusion and realize you are psychic after all. It’s all a matter of knowing what to look out for.
1. Higher levels of intuition.
If you have ever known who is calling on the phone before picking up, who a text is from before it come in or if you have ever predicted an event before it occurred, you have a higher level of intuition. This is a step towards discovering a psychic gift within yourself.
2. You have experienced déjà vu countless times.
If you constantly feel like you have been somewhere before even though you haven’t, and if you have a great feeling of familiarity with people, places and things, you may be experiencing déjà vu. Déjà vu is a sure sign that you have some sort of psychic ability.
3. Visions are normal for you.
If you have had visions of future events, either of something happening in the next hour or three days from now, you have psychic abilities. If you have them in your dreams or within your daily awake life, you may have the psychic gift.
4. A gut feeling that is always accurate.
If you just “know” something before it happens, and you can sense the events of what is happening or what is about to happen, this is a strong sign of a psychic.
5. Telepathic instances.
Do you feel like you can send messages through your mind? Have you ever felt like you are reading someone else’s thought process? Have you experienced a mind to mind connection? If you have experienced this from time to time, you have some form of telepathy, which is a psychic symptom.
6. Grand scale predictions and premonitions.
Have you ever written down events that you “know” will happen in the future? Have they happened? If you have taken the time to write premonitions down or tell someone about them before they actually happen, and then they occur, you have a psychic gift.
7. Psychometry
Can you hold an object and sense its history ? Psychometry is known as the psychic ability that allows an individual to sense or experience the history of a person or object by touching them or it. Psychics have knowledge and power because they “know” about people, places, objects and energies just be being somewhere or by simply touching something or someone. For example, a person who has the psychometry psychic ability can hold an individual’s hand and sense and experience their past. They may even see images or experience smells, sounds and tastes from that point in time.
8. Powerful vivid dreams.
People with psychic abilities tend to have extremely vivid dreams and can remember detail for detail after they awake. The symbols in their dreams have deep rooted meanings and they usually offer some sort of great understanding for the individual’s life experience. Many people who have vivid dreams also have recurring dreams that tell a story and that are indicative of what is happening in real life.
9. You sense trouble.
This is a very direct feeling where you just know someone you love is in trouble. It hits you with great impact and sometimes with a great feeling of intense fear. There is no explanation for it except that you know something is deeply wrong with someone you love.
10. You tell the future.
This is one of the obvious traits of a person with psychic abilities. Telling the future to your friends and family, then having it actually happen is one of the number one ways that proves you are psychic.
11. You can heal.
Have you ever laid your hands on someone who is suffering or ill? Did you then see a positive change in this sick individual? Many people that have psychic abilities can also heal others with their energy.
12. Hearing sounds.
Have you ever heard sounds that others do not? Do you constantly wonder why no one else is hearing rings, beeps and chimes? These sounds can actually be an indication of a near future event and they can tell you about certain events that will occur.
13. You can sense two places at once.
This is definitely one of the stronger psychic abilities and signs that you may be psychic. If you have ever been at home or in one place that is familiar to you, but sense events and experiences that are happening across the world in different countries you are most likely psychic. If you have visions of these events while they are happening and actually feel as though you have transported to the destination as it is taking place, you have heightened psychic abilities.
Being psychic is not a scary matter and you shouldn’t feel fearful of your abilities. Treasure these tools and skills as a unique gifts and try to learn more about each ability so you can use these to their full potential.
Many psychics are extremely valuable to those who have not yet discovered their own psychic abilities. People turn to psychic individuals for a variety of reasons, whether it is for guidance and support or revealing mysteries and solving crimes. Embrace your psychic gifts as one of nature’s most powerful gifts and use it to help others in a positive manner.
Remember to have fun and not be daunted by this. It may help you in life more than you know
Lots of love Paula x