Let The Light Protect You
Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that you’re mentally and physically drained? Do you feel under some kind of hidden invisible attack? Are you scared to go outside sometimes? Do you have a difficult workplace?
Do you work with energy and needy people in you daily job?
If you can answer yes to even one of these questions then perhaps you need to protect yourself, your family and your home more!
When we start to talk about psychic protection, many people panic and imagine some kind of hocus pocus mumbo jumbo that involves often costly herbs and ingredients that you can only find in a witches coven! The honest reality is that it costs nothing, not one single penny and only takes a few moments of your time.
Once you master it, literally a few sharp breaths and a second or two and you are protected for up to 6 hours. Now who wouldn’t want that? Cmon now, even you!
As a spiritual and vibrational person you are able to sometimes accidentally absorb negativity and lower energies from other people in your space. This is especially true if you visit a location or gathering where lower vibrational energies are present or for sensitive and empathic individuals who often take on energy from others.
Protection basically means visualising, intending and feeling that you are completely surrounded in an orb, blanket or cocoon of light from your very own Angels.
A great way to remember to shield your energy is to make it a part of your morning and evening routine. Just as you likely brush your teeth or prepare a meal around a certain time each day, cleanse and shield your energy with light on a daily basis as well. It then becomes a habit!
I have tested and tried many various different protection techniques over the years, some with varying degrees of success. I find the one I am about to explain by far the most effective and above all easy to perform!
I use it for my family even when they are at a distance to me and for my car if I feel the need, but mostly for myself! Selfish little me eh – but that’s okay, you have to look after yourself at all times.
So every morning I usually take a shower and do the cleansing shower routine (Please read article called ‘Shower Cleansing‘ within the APP).
That basically rids you of any unwanted bad/negative energies you may have picked up. When you’re all nice and clean you are ready to do the blue bubble/balloon protection.
I often find it easier to do in the shower but you can do it where ever you are. And before you read the following, please be aware I am a huge Star Trek fan, so forgive the connection! You’ll realise why in a minute.
- Imagine a large circle of white light under your feet (I imagine I am being beamed up as they do on Star Trek, where the white light beam goes above them and makes a pure circle under their feet and then they are beamed away to a galaxy far far away or is that Star Wars? Anyway Paula focus girl, focus!)
- You then have to breathe this light into your body from the floor through your bottom literally. Imagine it coming up as a pure white light and into your body through that area and going right through to the top of your head.
- When it reaches the very top of your head let it explode into a firework of lights and surround both sides of your body.
- Do this again from the beginning except when it gets to the top of your head, this time imagine the light is now pure sky blue and when it bursts out of your head send it to the left of your body to form a blue bubble/balloon, all the way to your feet and under.
- For the final time repeat again, let the white light breathe through your body all the way to your head. When it gets to the top, let it flow out and to the right side of your body to cover that side of you with the stunning blue light.
And believe it or not that’s it! This can be done in under a minute tops and can literally be done wherever you may find your lovely self to be. It usually lasts around 6 hours and I only ever do it 3 times a day max. I do believe you need some time to breathe through into this world and allow your souls to be free.
You can do it to the car, the kids, the house and the family! You decide when and who needs it. If you feel the house needs it then imagine the centre of the house being the centre of your body and still go left and right with the blue, instead of yourself you are left and right of the house.
If you wish to protect the car, imagine the centre part between the drivers area being the centre of your body and so on.
I can now do this in seconds and 3 sharp breaths and the protection is done, I sound like an advert for Cillit bang lol.
Have fun, stay safe and enjoy the protection of the blue bubble/balloon.
Love Paula