Over the years, I’m constantly told of negative things surrounding people in their homes or in their daily lives. People often ask me if this can be cleansed in any way and the answer is a resounding YES . I encounter these energies every day in both my home and work as we all do.
Some are just negative ninjas as I call them, that quite simply drain you of any positive energy you may have left! These could be friends and even family members – we all have those people who no matter how hard you try to convince them otherwise, they will ALWAYS see the down side of life – am I right?
There is then the energy sucking vampire bats as the brilliant psychic John Edward once called them (made me giggle) that suck all the energy out of you without you perhaps even knowing! Have you ever spent time with someone and afterwards literally been drained for days?
We then have people in spirit who also are bad energies. Not everyone in life will go to heaven and be an Angel, sometimes they may need a little help going across and leaving your light switches alone!
For those of you who are empathy, this is a massive issue as you will soak up the negative energies like a sponge and it can leave you exhausted and often prone to illness without realising.
Well the easy answer would be to block ban and delete the negative people from your life of course, but in reality that’s probably a little harsh lol.
You can mentally and physically protect and cleanse your own personal space and indeed your work space and your home .
I cleanse my house once a week without fail and I don’t mean with Cif and bleach!
And every day, sometimes more I cleanse and protect my own space. Me, myself and I .
At the beginning of every day, I often choose to do this in the shower. I imagine a very bright light coming over the top of me – this is the white light of protection. Imagine it coming in through the top of your head and reaching every nerve in your body. Say to yourself “I wrap myself in the divine light of protection and will not allow any negative in my space. Allow only positive to enter my space”. Sometimes I do this 3 or 4 times a day if I need an extra boost.
I carry around a piece of black obsidian, a brilliant stone for warding off the negative, mine is safely tucked away (in my bra!). You can buy this wonderful stone online if you wish and if you’re having issues at work then take some with you and leave it at your area, in the drawers if you like or just around your space.
Space cleansing is very easy when you get the hang of it . Firstly, you need to buy a smudge stick, most new age shops sell them and they are easy to buy online.
White sage is fabulous for this. Light the stick and then blow on it gently to release the smoke into the air. You will need a shell or heat proof bowl underneath as bits can fly off and try not to do it in your undies or vest top as bits are hot!
Start at the lowest part of your house and go into every room, each corner and blow the smoke allowing it to reach all the nooks. I say a prayer when I do it and ask for the angels to protect me and banish any negative. Leave the window open in the room for the negative to go and then proceed around the space, leaving no room out!
It can set off smoke alarms so be careful and can smell quite strong so maybe don’t invite anyone around for afternoon tea afterwards!
You may also use this smoke to cleanse tarot cards or crystals by simply passing them through the smoke.
In future articles, I will cover more about cleansing and introduce some different techniques.
Love Paula x