As a pet owner I like the idea of being able to talk to my pet on a higher level, find out what he is really feeling and thinking. There are ways when we are relaxed and comfortable enough to be able to go with the motions and feelings.
Choose a time when you’re feeling relaxed. Ideally you should have your pet with you and in an equally relaxed mood. Turn off the television or radio, so that there are no external voices to distract you or plant any subconscious ideas in your head.
- Start by considering what it must be like to be your pet. Imagine that you’re the same size, with the same fur, feathers or skin. Imagine yourself standing on all fours, if that is how your pet stands ( if he’s a snake or fish, imagine what that must be like ) Consider the following questions:
– What does the world look like from your pet’s perspective?
– What does it smell like?
– How much can you see?
– Is the world friendly or full of potential hazards?
– Are you worried about being stepped on by big human feet?
Spend as much time as you like on this part of the exercise. It may give you some valuable information about how you can improve your pet’s life. - Now strike up a loving conversation with your pet. You can either do this out loud or in your head. Start by saying hello, in exactly the same way you would talk to another human. Ask your pet how he/she is. Listen to the answer that pops into your head or wait for an image to come to you, and trust it. Don’t try to censor or analyse it. Explain to your pet that you’re teaching yourself to communicate with him and you’d be delighted if he could help you.
- Ask him/her any questions that you like. If he’s having behavioural problems, ask him what’s wrong, but don’t do this in a judgemental way. Listen to the answer. Discuss the situation with hi and work out together how you can improve upon it.
- When the conversation is over, thank him/her for talking to you. Tell him that you’d like to chat to him/her more often.
- Now you must put your words into action, if necessary. For instance, if you promised to change his food, you must do this as quickly as possible.
I love the idea of being able to communicate with our pets and get even closer to them. They bring so much comfort, love and joy. End the end of a dreadful day we can always count on our pets to cheer us up.