I can’t begin to count the amount of times during readings or events that this question is asked of a loved one in heaven. We all have very different journeys in life and that’s how it is supposed to be however, when the time finally comes for us to cross over, the principle is ALWAYS the same!
During our time on earth we may have been victims to many different circumstances that have led us to face anxiety, tragedy and times of great distress.
Perhaps these have been created at the hands of someone who has now passed over and you are wanting to know if now that they have crossed, they are actually aware of what impact this had on you or the family.
Are they made aware of their actions as sadly many people are not aware of their actions during their life and continue to hurt and in some cases both mentally and physically abuse us.
In answer to this question I was many years myself given a fabulous analogy of how it actually works in heaven. Make a cup of tea and sit back and enjoy the following!
When I was growing up there was a fantastic programme on TV that mum and I would get cuddled up on the sofa to enjoy.
It had to my knowledge two presenters during its time on air; the late Eamonn Andrews – Who first presented it.
Then after it went off air for a while, it came back with the wonderful Michael Aspel. Both pictured here.
The star of the show was a little red book, titled “This Is Your Life”.
They would have a mix of people as guests on the show, from ordinary people like you and I and then celebrities now and then. Each week the main person would have the book with their life in it and they would bring on friends and family from years gone by, who would share little stories about the person for us all to hear and photos of them as children.
It was an emotional show and would often result in me crying my eyes out when they brought back maybe a sister from Australia who they haven’t seen for 5 decades! I’m sure you get the premise of the show or maybe, like mum and I were lucky enough to actually watch it?
So how is this like heaven I hear you asking?
This show and its format is how I was shown how it worked in heaven. We will use my dad for the next episode.
My dad was in all manner of speaking my hero, but he had a very dark side, one perhaps I knew but didn’t want to know if that makes sense? I hid many things away locked in the DON’T OPEN box in my mind.
Many things became horribly apparent in the years following my mum’s passing. These highlight an entire lifetime of issues and the backstory of what and who my father actually was, well it was dreadful shall we say.
His last words to me on his deathbed were “I’m sorry” and then he dropped into a coma. Left me kinda wondering if he knew what he was sorry for? And then I was shown “This Is Your Life”.
My dad on passing would have been met by family and friends as usual and then taken to an area I like to think of as the studio. Who knows maybe even Eamonn Andrews himself and the little red book as it was affectionately known will be brought out. Except this time instead of random people, it would be my dads name on it!
“Trevor Thompson… Welcome to This Is Your Life!”
In this book will be all of the things my dad did during his life to me and others that caused real pain and suffering, right down to the finest detail and my dad is made to watch.
I am sure it’s very daunting to be made to see who you are and how others perceive you. None of us are angels 100% and one day will have to view your “This is your life book”. On a separate note good things are in there too!
For those who have done some questionable things in life they can then see in a simple way what cause and effect it had on us still on earth and they do know WHAT THEY DID!
During my sessions these people then come through and often relive some of these moments and offer a much needed and much too late apology. It comes with varying degrees of meaning and feelings even though they have seen it.
To be fair not everyone in heaven feels they are held accountable for their actions and it is up to them to come and say sorry or not, but they ALWAYS get to see their life unfold before them.
For us, well it’s not always that easy to forgive is it? And many reply back with a too little too late response and that my friends is entirely up to you! You don’t have to take their apologies if you don’t want to and for many the mere fact that they now know is often an allowing of a door closing to the past session.
One thing I do know for certain is the past is indeed the past and it makes us who we are today.
I have many unanswered questions about my past but I refuse to allow this to take over my life anymore, I am not going to give my dad the satisfaction of hurting any more of what I have to come and feel a slight smug smile of satisfaction coming across my somewhat tired face knowing that he now knows and my mum was there to make sure he knew what he had indeed done!
Do I forgive him? On a good day, yes. On a bad day, hell no. But I have learnt to let it go, can you do the same?
Love Paula