We are NOT alone in this world of that I am abundantly sure.
I spend day after day, night after night teaching this very concept to people. Alerting them to the wonders of their very own loved ones coming through from Heaven, with wonderful tales and stories that no one could know.
Is this pure magic in its highest form?
As children we are actively encouraged to find the magic, to believe in a fairy tale world, to get lost in the moment. During play we imagine hundreds of scenarios from being a princess to having an imaginary friend (except in my childhood my imaginary friend was a ghost lol ).
Boys fight dragons and fly to space in their rocket made from an IKEA cardboard box and girls cook, play, dance and sing for all their worth. We believe in fairies living at the bottom of the garden and that unicorns are real (they are real aren’t they?).
The unknown is full of endless possibility at that young and tender age.
How wonderful it feels to be in this world, then suddenly we are forced into a different world. For years we existed in make believe land and then at a certain age we are being told “don’t be ridiculous” or worse “grow up!”.
For some of you reading this and I hope more than some of you will still believe in the wonder of the magic of life, but sadly for the vast majority I feel this is not the case.
Due to circumstances that life has thrown in our path we change, we evolve, we GROW UP!
My question is this – is the magic still there? Maybe hidden away behind a veil of conscious thought, an adult viewpoint, a “don’t be silly” thought drummed into a subconscious brain.
Is it too much to ask to visit this unknown territory once in a while, to feel truly free of the burden of life and simply let it go?
Or is the fear of rejection, heartbreak, being let down again stopping you?
At what point did it change for you?
Let me explain how I see the magic in the world…
A lady appears before me for a reading, the event has been sold out for months.
I begin unfolding her message and hear gasps within my audience.
Her son whom she loved very dearly died in her arms 11 years ago from terminal cancer, aged only 10. Her friend had bought tickets for herself and her sister and when she went to tell this lady about our event, she asked if she could come but sadly the tickets had all gone.
On the day of the event the friend had been called into work and couldn’t attend my night so she kindly offered the ticket to the very lady stood before me receiving the reading! This lady has NEVER heard from her son since his crossing.
That is magic, synchronicity, higher beings, unicorns, fairies call it what you like but one thing for sure is… it is out of this world!
I was driving along on a busy road, minding my own business and having quite a bad day, my head was telling me tall tales and I was more than a bit stressed. I was running late and trying hard to catch up on time.
I looked in front of me and the car in front of me had the number plate KT15 MLT, I was stunned! Nothing out of the ordinary you may think, but my brothers initials are KT – Keith Thompson, his birthday is 1st of May and Mike my other brother is Michael Lesley Thompson MLT.
Wow I thought. I would have been happy with that and taken it as a sign aka magic all on its own.
I looked to my left as I was in stationary traffic and there was a huge Morrisons lorry, my daughter shouted “mum look at the name of the man on the lorry!”. 5 people in Morrisons outfits were on this enormous lorry and only one had a name badge, the name on the badge? KEITH!
Because the lorry was so big, the man was so big, like 20 foot tall and his name badge was huge! I began to laugh and then a fire engine, with all of its lights and sirens came whizzing by! Keith was a fireman!
MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC… was it coincidence? Was it a sign? Was it my Angels? In my head it was pure, unadulterated all out 100% MAGIC. I was on THAT road at THAT time next to THAT lorry behind THAT car hearing THAT fire engine.
How complicated is that to actually arrange? To place all of those separate things in alignment just for little old me! I tell you, it’s very very complex. But I got it 100%, I just got it and my day instantly got better, I grinned and sang and felt uplifted.
I’m not asking you to go out and buy a 100 magic tricks, I am not asking you to dress up like a princess and walk around Asda, but I am asking you to let some of the childlike qualities back into you life and stop the adult thoughts that come racing in to STOP what may very well be the best magic you have ever seen.
Look for your magic today, it may surprise you!
A fabulous read Paula…. So uplifting, i will look for signs with a much more open mind, thankyou x