Do you know that during our time on this earth we are supposed to FEEL good whilst we stay? YES. Actually feel really really good! Dare I say it even happy.
I know that is is impossible to be happy during certain times of our life’s journey but the quicker we can get ourselves back on the happy path again the sooner our lives WILL start to feel better.
For many of you who follow me and have become to get to know me you will be only too aware of the sometimes difficult journey I have made so far with anxiety etc. During these times it is so very easy to actually stay on a sad and often frightening course that leads to more of the same. Being happy simply evades us on a daily basis leading to a circle or perpetual depression and more of the same anxiety. In this article i am going to help suggest things over a period of days to help you, maybe inspire and guide you to find a happy you.
The trick often is not to expect too much all at once. Find the things that actually work for you and do NOT be afraid to try new things, what’s the worst that can happen?
Start the day off well
The start of your day is crucial in feeling good. So many of us don’t allow enough time to do the things we should do first thing in a day.
Tell me honestly, does that extra 10 mins sleep really make a difference?
Erm… NO but getting up when the alarm goes off or even setting it to ring 15 minutes earlier is going to be a huge advantage to you. Just to allow yourself to maybe write a note or a thought in a journal, meditate or even catch up on your chores. Prepare a healthy breakfast or spend time with the kids before the school runs and work calls.
Stay focused on this day – take a shower and do it this way
Don’t take yourself too seriously.
We all try too hard at times to please others, myself included.
This can lead to huge pressures being placed on your head. No means no, it is often a word we do not use enough and find ourselves saying yes to things that we later regret just to help others.
Allow yourself the option to just say NO without explanation. Follow your gut, it’s known you a long time!
Don’t strive to be perfect. Is anyone really perfect? All the tabloids and magazines portray all our stars and famous people as perfection, but are they really?
We all have things we can change but you should really love yourself simply as you are, changes can follow gradually once you have learnt this often impossible task. But remember to take it one step at a time.
Some steps to follow
Some of these you may have already tried and tested, some may be brand new! Why not give the brand new a go and see how it feels to be brave. Pat yourself on the back and give a huge WELL DONE to yourself for trying.
Self praise goes such a long way to helping you kickstart the new feel good you. Don’t be afraid to take the first step on your new road. Who knows you may even like what you see on the way.
Your 30 Day Trial
These are all feel good tips that over the years I have tried and had success with. Why not set yourself a goal of 30 days and on each day try something new. Keep a log of what you liked and what worked for you and more importantly how it made you feel.
Your feelings are your guidance system after all! It is IMPOSSIBLE to have negative thoughts and feel happy. One leads another forward.
Happy thoughts – happy feelings. Negative thoughts – sad feelings.
A simple equation with often devastating consequences. Makes your day good for 30 days!
Good luck
Paula xx