This is an ancient form of Chinese divination and it is remarkably informative, accurate and helpful. Its name is translated as the Book of Changes, because it reflects the many changes that happen to us through our lives. A traditional I Ching reading is much more complicated than the interpretations listed here, but it is beyond the scope of this article to give them in more detail.
When consulting the I Ching, you ask a question and then throw three coins six times. Each time you throw the coins, you create a line of a hexagram ( a group of six broken or unbroken lines ) – it is solid or broken, depending on the value of your throw. When you have thrown to coins six times, you have created your hexagram. The information below will help you have a try.
Giving it a go
All you need to do is grab yourself 3 coins, a pen and a piece of paper, you’re ready to go! When beginning your hexagram you always draw it from the bottom and work your way up. This means that the first throw of the coins gives you the bottom line of the hexagram and the final throw will give you your top line. Decide which of the coins is the heads and which is the tails. Throw the coins for the first time and count up their value according to the numbers below :
Heads = 2
Tails = 3
Even number = broken line
Odd number = solid line
As an example : let’s say your first throw is 2 heads ( each with the value being 2 ) and 1 tails ( the value for this one being 3 ). This adds up to 7 ( 2+2+3 ), so you draw it as a solid line because it’s an odd number.
To find your hexagram, look for your upper 3 lines along the top row of the table, and your bottom three lines along the left-hand side of the table. The square where these columns meet gives the number of hexagram.
Find out what your number means by following the appropriate link below :
- Hexagram 1: 乾 “Force” – Ch’ien
- Hexagram 2: 坤 “Field” – K’un
- Hexagram 3: 屯 “Difficult in the Beginning” – Chun
- Hexagram 4: 蒙 “Youthful Folly” – Meng
- Hexagram 5: 需 “Waiting” – Hsu
- Hexagram 6: 訟 “Conflict” – Sung
- Hexagram 7: 師 “Integrity” – Shih
- Hexagram 8: 比 “Holding Together” – Pi
- Hexagram 9: 小畜 “Attention To Detail” – Hsiao Ch’u
- Hexagram 10: 履 “Correct Conduct” – Lu
- Hexagram 11: 泰 “Peace” – T’ai
- Hexagram 12: 否 “Stagnation” – P’i
- Hexagram 13: 同人 “Fellowship” – T’ung Jen
- Hexagram 14: 大有 “Abundance” – Ta Yu
- Hexagram 15: 謙 “Humbling” – Ch’ien
- Hexagram 16: 豫 “Enthusiasm” – Yu
- Hexagram 17: 隨 “Following” – Sui
- Hexagram 18: 蠱 “Correcting” – Ku
- Hexagram 19: 臨 “Nearing” – Lin
- Hexagram 20: 觀 “Observation” – Kuan
- Hexagram 21: 噬嗑 “Biting Through” – Shih Ho
- Hexagram 22: 賁 “Grace” – Pi
- Hexagram 23: 剝 “Splitting Apart” – Po
- Hexagram 24: 復 “Returning” – Fu
- Hexagram 25: 無妄 “Innocence” – Wu Wang
- Hexagram 26: 大畜 “Great Accumulating” – Ta Ch’u
- Hexagram 27: 頤 “Nourishment” – I
- Hexagram 28: 大過 “Preponderance of the Great” – Ta Kuo
- Hexagram 29: 坎”The Abysmal” – K’an
- Hexagram 30: 離”Radiance” – Li
- Hexagram 31: 咸”Courtship” – Hsien
- Hexagram 32: 恆”Constancy” – Heng
- Hexagram 33: 遯 “Retreat” – Tun
- Hexagram 34: 大壯 “Great Invigorating” – Ta Chuang
- Hexagram 35: 晉 “Progress” – Chin
- Hexagram 36: 明夷 “Darkening of the Light” – Ming I
- Hexagram 37: 家人 “The Family” – Chai Jen
- Hexagram 38: 睽 “Opposition” – K’uei
- Hexagram 39: 蹇 “Obstruction” – Chien
- Hexagram 40: 解 “Deliverance” – Hsieh
- Hexagram 41: 損 “Decrease” – Sun
- Hexagram 42: 益 “Increase” – I
- Hexagram 43: 夬 “Displacement” – Kuai
- Hexagram 44: 姤 “Coming to Meet” – Kou
- Hexagram 45: 萃 “Gathering Together” – Ts’ui
- Hexagram 46: 升 “Ascending” – Sheng
- Hexagram 47: 困 “Exhaustion” – K’un
- Hexagram 48: 井 “The Well” – Ching
- Hexagram 49: 革 “Revolution” – Ko
- Hexagram 50: 鼎 “The Cauldron” – Ting
- Hexagram 51: 震 “The Arousing” – Chen
- Hexagram 52: 艮 “Stilling” – Ken
- Hexagram 53: 漸 “Gradual Progress” – Chien
- Hexagram 54: 歸 妹 “The Marrying Maiden” – Kuei Mei
- Hexagram 55: 豐 “Abundance” – Feng
- Hexagram 56: 旅 “The Wanderer” – Lu
- Hexagram 57: 巽 “Ground” – Sun
- Hexagram 58: 兌 “Open” – Tui
- Hexagram 59: 渙 “Dispersion” – Huan
- Hexagram 60: 節 “Limitation” – Chieh
- Hexagram 61: 中孚 “Center Returning” – Chung Fu
- Hexagram 62: 小 過 “Small Surpassing” – Hsaio Kup
- Hexagram 63: 既 濟 “After Completion” – Chi Chi
- Hexagram 64: 未 濟”Before Completion” – Wei Chi
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