Here’s a question that we have been asked frequently – is everyone psychic? Not everyone is born with all five of their physical senses intact. Babies can be born blind, deaf or with any other physical problem that will compromise or affect one of their senses. But every child is born with some level of psychic ability. It is what he does with that is the real crux of the matter.
Psychic children
Small children regularly use their natural psychic abilities. Many children have invisible playmates when they’re young. Are there friends merely figments of their own over-active imaginations or can the children genuinely see these companions? In fact children often report being visited by people who, when they are described, turn out to be deceased members of the family such as their grandparents. Many children can also remember fragments of their past lives, although this ability usually wanes over time. As you might expect, there is a higher incidence of children who can recall their past lives in cultures where reincarnation is an accepted belief.
Children use their psychic abilities in many different ways, and they believe in them. But usually stop doing so at about the age of seven, when the start to take more notice of the well meaning adults around them who may tell them off for making up stories. For instance they may be told that they are too old now for having imaginary friends, or to pretend that there is the ghost of an old man in the spare bedroom. They learn to keep quiet about their psychic experiences because these get them into trouble, and very often their psychic powers start to wane, partly from lack of use and partly from a diminishing belief in them.