Have you ever wondered who your guide is?
All of us have many guides in our lifetime, these can be your Angels who have crossed over and they can be people who may have walked this earth long before you, who are sent to help you on your life’s path from the very moment you are born!
For many of us sadly, we are never aware of who they are or even of their existence for that matter. There are many ways to contact your spirit guides and I have tried a fair few in my time. When I teach my work I find it vital to meet your guide and get to know them better if you are not already aware of them.
Below are step by step instructions on how to get there quickly and without fuss.
I am a simple girl at heart although, complex by nature mainly due to my life’s work but if I am being asked to learn something new or do a task it has to be with clear and concise instructions. I think in my work I show a no nonsense, no frills attitude and to be honest it is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s not meant to be! Everything for me needs to be no frills just simple, easy and straight forward!
Before you begin find yourself a relaxing place to sit or lie down. Set the mood by perhaps lighting candles or incense, playing soft music in the background. Make it a place where you know you won’t be disturbed for a little while, remember this is YOUR time.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out for a few minutes, nothing hard or difficult here. Count your breaths and breathe in and out counting to 10 each time… breathe in 1, breathe out 2, breathe in 3, breathe out 4 and so on until you reach 10.
When you reach 10 begin counting from 1 again, do this until you feel relaxed, usually around 5 times or so.
Once relaxed imagine your in a wooded forest. Along your right side is a river flowing and you can see across the other side to the grassy area, smell the pine trees and hear the birds chirping in the background.
You can feel the forest floor under your feet and hear the crunching of the twigs and leaves as you walk along. You can hear the river flowing and the sound of running water is joining you on this journey.
You may encounter some animals in this wonderful walk in your mind along the way. Take a mental note of the animals you see as these are also part of your brilliant guidance system from spirit.
Each animal will have its own unique meaning to you in why it is there to help you with life’s journey. These animals could be anything and not just your regular woodland animals!
So be prepared to see a bear or a tiger or even a unicorn alongside the usual rabbits and deer.
Take your time with this part of the session, it’s important to really relax and get lost in your mind as if you were dreaming or remembering something in your life from the past, let the images and thoughts flow.
It is perfectly normal for the first few times to have other thoughts pop into your mind like “What’s for tea?” just let them come and go and try to pull yourself back to the walk and the woods and the river.
Now in the distance you can see a bridge going over the river and on the bridge you can see an image. This image is YOUR guide, it may not be human so don’t be alarmed if you see an animal form stood on it at this point, that’s okay! Your guide may be an animal.
Walk towards the bridge but don’t hurry, they are not going to run away, they are eager to meet you. As you approach the bridge you will be able to make out the shape of your guide more clearly at this point and you should feel nervous/excited/eager and more beyond.
You begin to walk up to the bridge now and your guide is in plain sight – what do you see? How exciting, you’re going to meet someone so special to your life. Step onto the bridge and see them for the first time.
They may be wearing a cloak or a veil, they may be floating or even flying and hovering. They may have 4 legs or 2, let them come to you. Introduce yourself and ask for a name from them. This guide could even be someone you know who has crossed over and you may already know their name. My guide was my brother Keith!
If you don’t know them then be prepared to accept the first name that comes into your head, this may not be anything like you have heard before.
But it is their name and may not be of this world.
You may stay here now for as long as you like and ask as many questions as you like and you may revisit at any time until you feel you have met your guide.
Some people do not always get it for the first or second time and again that’s okay. If you have never done anything like this before it will seem alien and odd to you, but once you get in to the rhythm of it you will love it and manage just fine.
Have fun with this and remember to research the animals you met along the way also. They are all part of your team in heaven, here to protect, guide and support you.
I wrote an article about animals for the APP a while ago, it is called ‘Animals as Totems’, it will possibly help you to learn more about some of the animals on your journey and what their role is in your life. Look it up under Guidance.
Once you have made the connection to your guide you can then talk to them as many times of the day as you wish, without the need to go on the walk although, if you feel happy doing that first then that is fabulous.
You can NEVER upset them or get them angry or speak to them too many times. They are there for you and you only, no one else in the world has them but you! How fabulous is that?
Enjoy your new friends and be easy with your life.
Love Paula X
Does the speaking need to be out loud?
And this is a different guide than the one we have at birth!?