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We take care of so many things in our daily practice of living our life don’t we ? If we cut our finger we automatically tend to it and put on a band aid . If we spill a drink on the carpet or sofa we jump up and get a cloth and clean it away …..if we make a mess on our outfit we wash it and make it all clean again. However how many of us actually tend to our soul ? YES first aid for the soul. Just because we cannot see it does not negate how important it is to tend to it . Yet we may have fractured it, ripped it, all but killed it before we stop and actually take notice. This practice may have gone on for years without you once taking care of business. Can you imagine if you wore the same top for 5 years without taking it off and never washing it , just how disgusting it would be ? Yet we do this with our inside souls for a lot longer than that before we do anything to help it . Often it is the effects of this lack of care that make us stop and take notice when our outsides start to crumble under the pressure of such lack of care.
You may have been through so many events in your life and all of that will knock a little off your soul and psyche each and every time. A death, a divorce , a move of house , even happy occasions such as weddings and births all give it a little rip here and there , adding to the overall damage we do daily .
So how do we practice FIRST AID FOR THE SOUL ?
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- Every single one of you reading this right now has intuition ~ but the vast majority of you will do nothing to listen to it except after when it’s too late . How many of you have said after an event “ I knew that would happen “ or : I wish I had not done that “
Allowing that little voice to be heard is first on the list of First Aid.
- Get to know yourself and I mean really get to know yourself. Put yourself first for a change on the ladder of importance in your world. Many of us place ourselves last on this list, preferring to tend to everyone else’s needs first . If you have ever flown on an plane and listened to the safety briefing. Note how they always tell you to put your oxygen mask and life jacket on first BEFORE helping anyone else. You can be of no help to anyone if you cant breath ! So get into the habit of making sure you are OK and strong enough to give some of yourself to others. We find ourselves saying YES so many times when we mean NO and this is a good place to begin.
- Learn to empty your head of all the annoying negative thoughts that often cloud our souls and our judgments. Pay no attention to the nagging voice of self doubt that lives there and take control of the new positive you for a change. Self doubt plays a huge part in our souls damage and especially when it has been placed there at the hands of someone else !
- Be courageous in making your own mind up and making your own choices, we often surround ourselves with people who think they know best and whilst advice is OK in small parts it can limit what we really want to do for our own soul and can often just end up playing out someone’s else’s idea of how you should live. Maybe that is for them to live and not pass down to you ? Your own mind is your own inbuilt compass, SatNav to your own unique journey . No one knows it or understands it the way you do!
- Learn to relax and rest the soul…. find out form your own body what makes you excited. What makes you tick. Try new things and if you don’t like them then that’s OK. Simply look for another pathway . Ask your Angels and the universe to help you on this journey of self discovery and you will be amazed what is offered to you , right in front of your nose !
- Learn to think with your heart and it will automatically feed your soul . Your body is literally full of things to guide you but how many of us honestly take notice what it is trying to tell you , both good and bad ? If something doesn’t feel right ~ it is not and never will be . Think like a child , try not to complicate things by letting our adult brains get in the way . Remember how we used to like to play with the boxes rather then the contents when were little ? That’s how life should be , taking the chance with everything that comes your way instead of always over thinking the process.
- Sleep on it …..yes actually mull it over and let your body show you how it feels. No one has to rush you , your choice , your rules , your life . If there is time then sleep on it and listen to the signs and say to yourself “ How does it feel “? Are you excited and in overdrive about it ? Or are you restless and feeling sick at the thought of it ….all of these symptoms are your soul telling you how it feels. So listen !
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Life is about the journey not just the end , no one gets out of this alive so lets make the most of this chance to really live our best life !
No matter what life throws at you , you can do this ! You always have done this , look how far you have come . So today begin to take first aid for the soul and see where it takes you ……..
Love Paula