Dream visitations. This is the most common way to be visited by those in Spirit, both by our loved ones in heaven and Spirit Guides.
Today in the “Popular Signs” series I am going to write about dream visits.
If you have not had the chance to read the Popular Signs about smelling, give it a read. I am covering the most common signs that people who attend my events ask about in detail, to allow you to be able to realise how important these often insignificant signs are and perhaps teach to you to understand and be aware of when someone in heaven has actually been in touch!
So many people constantly repeat to me that they NEVER get signs and I actually know that this is impossible as our loved ones upstairs are constantly finding new ways to let you know they are around us to guide, help and protect you!
Perhaps when they call you, you have not answered the phone! They will find a way to speak to you that is easy for them to make you understand. What better way than when you are fast asleep and most importantly relaxed!
Before any medium/psychic work I have to relax and let go of the day to day world, switch off if you like from life to allow my vibration to quicken and match those in heaven. They have a very high vibration a little like me tuning in to a radio station! I have to dial my radio until my frequency matches theirs!
For most of you the only way you can do this is when you are asleep, you are relaxed and uninterrupted by life, thoughts of shopping, kids, work etc. The perfect timing for a visit.
I remember my first visits from Keith, not long after he crossed over. I had spent days and I mean days non stop crying. I think I fell asleep through sheer exhaustion and I know most of you reading this will be able to know exactly how I was.
In my dream I was at the cemetery, a place I have to admit I practically lived at once upon a time. When I got there, his grave had been dug up and the coffin was empty, Keith then appeared behind me and said “Sis, I am not there… I am ALWAYS with you!”. I held his hand and we walked for hours seemingly, laughing and joking as we always did and then I woke up!
I was startled and scared a little if I’m honest with you, what did that mean? Keith had always been big into dream interpretations, me not so much! It was no surprise he was trying to tell me that he wasn’t where I thought he was.
Yes, I saw him during the day also, lucky me I know but maybe he wanted this to be like old times… it was perfect.
I have been very lucky to have mum in my dreams also, but oddly not Mikey… not yet anyway! He will probably arrive tonight and show off lol.
They will always be alive in the dreams and usually how you remember them best. It is simply their way of saying to you, I’m okay, I’m well and don’t worry. Sometimes they may visit when you are needing them most, perhaps at a difficult time in your life when a reassuring hug from your mum/dad etc is needed most!
You may dream once and not have a visit for ages as they may be finding other lovely ways to let you know they are around. If you haven’t had a visit in a dream, don’t worry it’s no big issue. They will have found a visiting way that works for both of you, maybe you just haven’t realised it yet!
In the early years, I found it really helpful to keep a journal of my dreams and the signs I was receiving and when they arrived. It helped me to know what they were trying to tell me and why, by building up a picture of the visits and signs it allowed me to truly get the message they were sending me!
I hope through this series of signs it allows you to realise that they send us more than we realise!
Sometimes the messages can be deeper than just a visit, they may be showing you things they can help with or alerting you to someone who needs your help perhaps. Look at the context of the dreams and what is going on around you now. Are there familiar things said over and over, often repeated things given in them?
As a rule anything that is repeated is a sign we really should take notice of. Are you taking notice of your visits?
Do so from today, you may be getting more than you know from your loved ones in heaven.
Now let’s get to sleep, night night, happy dreaming.