I am constantly being asked why can I smell this or why do I feel that or why can I sense this by my audiences and in private reading sessions. So I thought I would take the opportunity to write in depth over the coming weeks about the senses and why you may feel the things you do.
In this article I have chosen the most common ‘psychic sense’ I’m asked about and that is smelling.
Clairalience (Clair meaning “Clear” and “Alience” meaning scent) is the Psychic ability to be able to obtain specific Psychic information based on your use of the scent of smell.
You may or may not have been sat minding your very own business when suddenly you can smell something, the smell of cigarette smoke or maybe cigars, just like your dad or grandpa used to smoke.
Maybe you’re in the kitchen washing up and you smell your mum’s perfume from out of the blue!
Scent has an incredible way of evoking memory and emotion. Whether it’s the scent of your grandma’s chocolate chip cookies, a fresh cut lawn or your grandfather’s aftershave, certain scents carry certain levels of meaning.
The way another person smells can be attractive or off-putting, smell is a powerful sense and it’s not just limited to the physical realm.
Clairalience or clear smelling, occurs to both psychic and non-psychic people. It’s not something that you can consciously initiate instead, it’s something that most often occurs as a sign or guidance from your spirit team. It’s a wonderful gift to receive and to develop.
Why you ask? Well, how exciting for you! You have received a heavenly visit from who ever the smell reminds you of.
I don’t believe in coincidences and never have and for me this is perfect synchronicity at its very best. You’re loved ones have made a huge effort to do this for you and usually it is at a time when you need it the most in your daily journey through grief or your life.
How magnificent that they know you are needing that extra bit of reassurance and can stand by your side and send you something that instantly reminds you of them. It is innocent and beautiful and heavenly orchestrated just for you, to let you know you are not alone on this journey
Why the smelling though?
It is the easiest most basic of senses and one that you readily cannot ignore! It wafts up your nostrils and is practically impossible to not take notice of!
Unlike some of the other senses that we will cover in the coming weeks – this one is the quickest and works like a slap to the face.
There are no tricks of the mind and only you will know who this is, the very second you smell the scent being given, the first person in heaven that comes into your minds eye is THAT person delivering the message, simple no strings attached.
The difference between you and I is that you think it’s someone and I KNOW it’s someone. Knowing always triumphs over thinking every time!
Have you ever been at a vulnerable time and just asked your Angels for a sign that all will be okay and then had the smell come to you? If you have, then this is their sign to say “We hear you” and “We are on it”.
It is even more exciting as smelling this is using one of the psychic senses and chances are you will be able to develop as much or as little as you like in the future. Not everyone has the brilliant connection with their loved ones you know, so clever little you if you have had this experience.
Take the time to learn that certain scents have certain meanings for you. Begin to take notice of your mood before, during and after you experience certain smells.
Some repetitive smells can be reminders to relax, to walk away or to engage if you’re uncertain. Keep a journal of when you receive them, they are talking to you!
Above all, have fun and say thank you.
Look out for the next article in this series where we will cover more signs and senses from your loved ones.
Love as always Paula X