I get told so many times during my readings and open sessions about these wonderful birds coming to say HELLO to you at the most amazing times. It is no wonder that they have long been associated with spirit and messages from heaven but they have not always been so welcome.
In the early 1800’s they were thought to be bad and often seen as a message to forecast death and doom! People would actually fear them for this reason. The very humble beginnings of the Robin as legend has it was in fact as a brown bird.
This little bird flew onto the wreath of thorns around Jesus head during his crucifixion and tried to remove a thorn. The thorn pricked his chest and caused him to bleed therefore giving him the redbreast we know so well today. I like to think he was trying to help by picking out the thorns one at a time.
Just last night at one of our events a family were being given a message from the Father/Grandpa of the family. He just popped in about the Robin right at the end of the message as it was HIS SIGN to them and they squealed with delight as on the morning of his funeral a Robin appeared to them.
I have heard of Robins flying into people’s houses on regular occasions more than once or twice after a loved one has crossed over to say “hello we are with you”.
Symbolically they represent so much – new growth, passion, change, perseverance, patience, new beginnings.
The most important point perhaps to tell you to simply “trust in the process”, what does that tell us? I know it’s telling you to allow the grief, follow the journey and understand that our loved ones do indeed walk with us EVERY day in our life.
This Robin represents just that. The ultimate symbol from heaven to let us know that the very person we miss the most is just a breath away.
So today when you’re out and about on your travels or even just sitting having a cuppa before the day begins… ask your loved one to show you a sign!
YES, you can ask and speak to them just the same as I can. It’s all about trust and faith in your angels. You can do it out loud or silently in your mind – do whatever feels right for you.
It’s simple but hugely effective and they will hear you and act upon your request.
“Please show me a sign today”
Once you have received your sign do not forget to say thank you – who knows it may even be a little Robin! Allow a few days for the magic to take place and then stay alert.
One thing to remember is that it might not be a Robin as you know it! They don’t always send the actual bird into your garden or house or sitting on the fence as you wait in line at McDonalds (that happened to me). It may be a Robin however on a cup at the garden centre or a photo of a robin may appear on your Facebook page or you may walk by a shop and see something with a robin in a window.
They will use whatever method they can to get the sign to you. Have fun and just have FAITH.
Comment below and let me know how you get on and please tell me of the all the Robins you see.
Love Paula