Do you often feel drained and empty? Tired for no apparent reason? Do you spend a lot of time around negative people or help others when they need it?
Are you an empath and literally soak up people’s energies, good or bad? Do you work in an environment that is often stressed and draining to you?
Perhaps you need to cleanse yourself and I don’t mean just the physical body, I mean the mind, body and spirit and to protect yourself daily, twice if you feel the need.
So many of us work with others these days in a more intense fashion and don’t realise the importance of protection. You wouldn’t leave your car unlocked or leave your house without first locking the door or insuring it now would you? But we allow our own bodies to often go unprotected against the universal energy that is all around us.
Here is a simple but very effective cleansing exercise to pop in alongside your normal daily routine. I do this every day! Even if I am not hosting an event, I still pick up on the energies of others and find that if I am not protected all sorts of things happen to my energy field, all bad!
Follow this simple procedure next time you take a shower and let us know how it feels in the comments section below.
- Step into the shower and make sure you will not be disturbed, light candles and put on music if you feel the need to make it a tranquil experience, remember this is YOUR TIME.
- Imagine when you look down that everything is covered in black soot, your arms are covered and so is your body, face and hair. This black soot represents the negative imprints left on you by others.
- Take your scrubbing brush and lather it up really well and scrub the negativity away. As you do this, imagine all the black negative soot like energy simply being washed away down the drain. You can literally see it in your mind’s eye as you look at your skin. Feel it drain away from you and a sense of light relief washing over you.
- Really feel the water, each drop cleansing you deeper and deeper and take a good smell of the perfume from the lather, drink it all in get lost in that moment.
- When all the lather has been released, imagine the shower is now a golden light of protection.
- Imagine it raining down on you protecting you from all that is harmful.
- Say out loud “I am deserving of this. I am wonderful and I am blessed”.
- Repeat “l am protected in the eternal light of the universe and I will not allow the negativity of others affect me”.
If you need to, then do this every day morning and night! It will soon become part of your daily routine.
Remember to wash away the negative that is down your plug hole after! A quick household detergent spritz will do the job.
Enjoy the new protected you.
Love Paula