So often when speaking to clients we get asked about spirit visits during dreams. Paula always advocates that visits from spirits in dreams are the best visits. The time in which your sleeping is the time in which you’re at your most relaxed and therefore most open to a visit from spirit.
It can feel upon wakening that your dream was about old times with loved ones that are no longer here, it can feel like a dream about something that happened in the past. This is the perfect way for your loved ones to come through to you…it feels familiar. Enjoy these dreams, cherish them… they will always continue to happen, may not be every dream, but when you need it the most, they know when to make themselves known.
This article we found very informative regarding the visits we all receive. It can help you to understand what to look for in your dreams to know they have visited.
Visits from ‘Spirits‘ in dreams
Often spirits who have crossed to the other side connect with us through visits in our dreams. It is when we are in our dream state that they are most naturally able to connect with us.
This is why Mediumship, in its natural form, is often more experienced by us in dreams. For those natural mediums who are also able to communicate with those spirits who may be stuck here as ghosts, you may also experience them in dreams. Even our guides will often communicate with us through dreams.
Visits from spirit in our dreams, are very different from our “normal” dreams and often have very similar characteristics. Most will agree, when awakened from these dreams, you may find yourself looking around for the person you were just talking to, or feel like you were somewhere else and just got zapped back in somehow.
Common Characteristics of Spirit Visits From the Other Side in Dreams
- You are being talked to but notice in the dream the person’s lips don’t seem to be moving.
- The person in your dreams seems elevated just a few inches above the ground.
- There is some “higher” or specific message given.
- You are awakened immediately after, and feel either as if you were just left, or you have just arrived back.
- The person talking to you seems “brighter” than normal.
- You feel a sense of love and peace even after awakened. (especially for those who are also empaths)
- The dream doesn’t seem to “leave” you, meaning, you have trouble getting it out of your mind.
A dream in which you feel spirit may have visited can leave you feeling both confused and unsure, however, over time and after learning more about spirit visits these dreams should leave you feeling comforted and at ease knowing your loved ones are always around you. The best way to describe a spirit visit in a dream would be for it to feel like a familiar situation where your loved one who has now passed would be present.
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