When doing my work I often use this word ‘SOUL’ in my readings, but what is a soul? Where is it and what does it do?
I am a believer that we are a soul with a body, merely passing through this life from another and onto so many more. This body is our car, our vehicle if you will that we travel around this place called earth in whilst we visit.
When we die the vehicle stays here but the soul is very much the ‘DRIVER’ of that vehicle. It can get out and go to heaven and when we communicate with our loved ones it is the very soul we talk to!
I try to teach this to as many as I can but it’s hard for some to get the concept of it when you only really know the vehicle! The driver of any vehicle is the controller, the one in charge.
You could have the most amazing car in the world in your drive right now, a concept car costing millions of pounds but what good is it if it doesn’t have a soul? A driver, to show it off to its fullest potential? It would just sit there day after day… doing nothing.
I suppose in this context when people are in comas or kept on life support or suffer from dementia, we could say that their soul has already flown and we are looking at the car in the drive… no good without the driver once at the steering wheel.
Deepak Chopra explained it beautifully in the book by Oprah called The Wisdom of Sundays, he wrote:
‘We know where the mind is. We experience it as our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our ideas. But where is the soul?’.
‘Between every thought, we have a little space. That still presence that you feel, that’s your soul. It was there when you were a baby. It was there when you were a teenager. It’s there now. It will be there tomorrow and if you really get to grips with it, if you become familiar with this centre of awareness of who you really are, you will see it as your ticket to freedom’.
I love the mere thought of it being in the spaces in between! It makes me question how many of us use our soul to its fullest potential? How many of us use our car to go from A to B just here and back, here and there and back again? How many of you have a four wheel drive but yet just do the school run in it and never actually take it off the road to let it rip and roar to the true capability of its design and intention? If you think of you and your body and soul this way, then do any of us truly drive the vehicle we are given to its fullest in life?
Are we suppressed racing drivers eager to find our soul and let it go at full speed or are we Rodney and Del Boy kicking around our soul in a 3 wheeler.
In the online Dictionary, this is what it says about a soul:
‘Soul is defined as one person, or is the spirit and essence of a person. An example of your soul is the part of you that makes you who you are and that will live on after your death. An example of soul is the part of you that will go to heaven and be immortal, according to the the teachings of certain religions’.
Maybe today it’s time to really get in touch with your soul and be a better you?
Take your time and have fun along the journey. There is no right and wrong way to soul search but one thing for sure is this… No one makes it out of here alive!
Make it a good story, a brilliant drive and begin to live!