I actually felt so very strongly after an article l posted online received a comment from a lady that I had to respond to and clear this up. I posted about pets and how they can communicate with us after they cross over and how they talk to me in a language I understand.
When our pets cross over they are met by our loved ones on the other side and as per humans they have no ill health issues as the health issues are left here on earth.
The lady commented that she had read a book that states that animals go to a different plain, a different heaven! I was so shocked to read this that I actually got on my iPad straight away to put this matter right as I understand it, for all of you who may have read the same thing.
As with all of my work and writing, my thoughts and views come from literally talking to an amazing amount of people in heaven over the years. Given that I have been speaking to people who have crossed since the age of 2, I think we can safely say I have accumulated a fair degree of knowledge on the subject of heaven and crossing over.
In all of these meetings both in private reading sessions or public sessions, not once have I been made to feel that there are separate places in heaven for humans and pets or older people and younger people or ill people and well people or suicides and illness.
There is simply one heaven for us all!
So many animals over the years have been brought through to me by your loved ones during these readings and at times, I genuinely have been shocked to find out the reading I am giving is actually with a much loved pet who has crossed.
One reading I gave a while ago was entirely about a ladies furry baby who had just crossed but during the reading I actually thought I was bringing through her daughter. It wasn’t until right at the end of the session when I mentioned that she would have had difficulty talking during her life that the lady said “Could it be because she was a dog and had no voice as such?”. Then yes that was the reason. But the love this dog showed her mum was incredible and the dog had came through with her human relatives.
When we were in Manchester earlier this year I began to talk about Bruce, again thinking it was a human as the detail was so good, the family informed me that Bruce was their beloved pet who had crossed just weeks before.
In Bathgate, I brought through a bear! Yes, a bear. The bear had been adopted at a local zoo by the family I was reading for and only that day had been helped across due to failing health issues. The bear however, came through with the ladies mum also in spirit.
So if you’re at all worried about the fact that your loved furry baby is somewhere other than with your family in heaven, please rest assured it is one and the same one and they are all together.
Much love
Paula Obrien