I am sure from time to time we have all seen an orb.
But what are they and what do they mean? There is MUCH debate about these wonderful things and the doubting Thomas out there will simply say it’s ‘dust or lense flare’.
However, the real believers amongst us will argue differently. You would not be surprised to know I am amongst the people who know that they are our loved ones coming to photobomb a moment to show us they are with us.
These circular “light balls” are known as orbs and are thought to be spheres of energy from the spiritual realm. Many people are of the opinion that orbs are spiritual beings such as angels or spirit guides. Orbs are usually white in colour, but can also be seen in many different colours.
They have been around from the beginning of time but are becoming more visual as we move into the new dawn with photography, everyone now has the use of a camera because of tablets and mobile phones.
If it was dust, surely the dust in the camera would remain and the orb wouldn’t move around as on some videos or it would be on EVERY photo? You and I both know the Angels are making themselves known, usually when we need them the most.
I have literally lost count as to how many times during a video or camera shot there have been visitors on my screen and I still go “WOW thank you” to above for letting me know you were present.
Have you seen any on your photos? Comment below if you have or send them into the office so we can post some on here as a follow up article.
The orbs actually can be in different colours and each colour also has a meaning. These meanings are the messages your loved ones are sending you. So, for instance if you’re taking a photo and the orb has a blue tinge to it, they could be trying to tell you to:
“Trust your Angels, keep your faith and all will be well”
I always try to tell people to speak out to their own Angels, ask them for a sign. Amongst the feathers and the robins etc these Orbs and truly one of the best signs you could hope to receive.
So today, why not talk to your loved ones and ask for a sign, then wait and see what they send you! Is there a message in them for you?
Love as always
Paula xx
My daughter had orbs in a video she made when telling her son he was going to be a big brother x
That’s amazing! We have been thinking about another child too x
I took a video of my cat on Sunday just watched it tonight and saw 1 big orb and several little ones flying about, my mum passed on New Year’s Eve and I truely believe it was her