Do you find people are constantly trying to take pole position in the “Busy Olympics “of life. Just sit down and listen to other peoples talk when your next out and about and just hear how busy they all like to say they are ! Is it imperative that as a nation we have to be ‘BUSY’ . You never hear anyone state ‘ I did nothing this morning, I was so lazy that I didn’t get out of bed “
It’s been conditioned into us as we grew up that doing nothing is lazy and lazy is bad . But being so busy , that that’s all we have in our life is surely just as bad for you too! It’s become the ‘NORM” in our society for us to speed through the days to get it all done. However are we ever done ! Isn’t the same going to happen tomorrow or next week and we have to participate in the BUSY OLYMPICS games again.
When we move this fast, aren’t we in danger of missing the important things in life ? Or plain and simply our life in general !
‘There is more to life than increasing its speed’
We can’t do everything , or please everyone or be in 2 places at the same time. So many of us try , and that makes us over busy and often overwhelmed. We have to learn to often say no when we have said yes. And learn to slow down. Do you have to many commitments to fulfill in your schedule ? Can some of these be moved or dropped if they are not really necessary?
Some people like to sound busy as it makes them feel important , but whose opinion really matters that much ? Is life so crazy that sounding busy makes you feel good ? If it is then you seriously need to review your day , and the people you keep company with.
Can you slow down now ? As in right now ? Can you stop what you are doing and enjoy the view ? Enjoy your coffee ? Is it even possible that you can sit down and not clean or work or run around ? Imagine how much your body will benefit from that sheer luxury !
What can you illuminate in your busy life to take time to just be ?
I am reminded at the moment of the Aesop fable the tortoise and the hare ! The hare was so busy and went off at full speed that he needed a rest , whilst he was sleeping the slow and steady tortoise won the race !
There will never be a time to get it done, except when you die ! The journey should be about the view or the climb and not what’s waiting for us on the other side ~ Miley Cyrus The Climb
Don’t get caught up in all the busy drama of life and think that being perpetually busy is what life is about ! I appreciate we have to do stuff ! But is it so necessary to do it all the time and not allow a tortoise moment?
If you need to be busy then set aside times for being the opposite ! NOT BUSY , don’t feel the need to follow convention and always have to be busy through fear of appearing lazy. It’s something drilled into us and we believe it !
Enjoy ……..
Namaste Paula [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video][/vc_column][/vc_row]