I realise that sometimes when I talk away both at my events and Facebook live videos about ‘The Law of Attraction’ that some of you literally haven’t the foggiest idea what the heck I am talking about. I have studied this in the most minute of details and read book after book on the subject and still some days I find it hard to put into practise.
I guess I wanted this article to be a little eye opener so to speak into this gigantic cavernous subject that to be honest with you could and in fact has been written and talked about since time itself began!
As with all of my articles, they are my take on things in our never ending universe and the vastness that is heaven and earth and my understanding on certain subjects that I myself, enjoy exploring. I never profess to be an expert and I think even the most knowledgeable people in the world will admit that no matter how much we know on a subject, there will always be more to learn.
So many of us live our lives day to day often in a never ending spiral of discontentment, illness, poverty, disease, anxiety and so on.
If I told you that there is a way to stop this spiral, this vicious circle, I’m sure you would be somewhat surprised and shocked. Even more so when I say without hesitation that you, yourself and your energies have actually brought this upon yourself! Hard to believe I know, but that is the fundamental thought process behind this universal law.
It is thought that everything on earth is an energy, a vibration. If you took the biggest microscope in the world and examined your tea cup under it, beyond what we see with the naked eye is a world of moving atoms and molecules and energies. Eventually, looking so far into it they divide and subdivide and end up being moving things, even the humble teacup isn’t solid. This is said of everything in this universe.
We are all unique moving energies and into each energy we will attract other energies of the same. As Buddha stated; what we think, we become. Every single thought and more so feelings that you have over time will come into your very being!
What starts off as a thought, once repeated and focused on WILL become reality. There is a time delay so don’t panic if you’re thinking about a giant elephant in your living room. These thoughts have to be felt and focused on.
How many times have you woken up on a morning and thought you felt ill with a cold\flu? Oh my, by Tuesday your imagining all sorts wrong with you, you’ll have to cancel work and reschedule things. By Friday you’ll be in bed with full blown flu etc… for many of us the very focus of the ill will in fact make that thought a reality! However, if we focused on the wellness instead, it’s nothing, it will soon go away, I’ll be fine kind of approach. You will attract good health!
It’s like labelling yourself with all the things you feel you are and then staring at a mirror where you will see the labels – what you see is exactly what you will get back at you. A mirror image of things good or bad, it doesn’t care what you choose, it will simply deliver!
You can use this to such wonderful ends in your life if you are able to harness the thought process that goes along with it. Sadly for many of us, myself included we have become so used to the negative way of thinking. We get stuck in the rut of the same thinking, that our Law of Attraction just delivers more and more of what it is we are trying so hard to change. How clever is it, that it works that way.
So imagine if you are changing the way you think and feel and having such wonderful things come into your pathway. It is possible to harness this for you and what you desire just by changing the way you live in your mind.
Gratitude and Love play a huge role in this Law and you have to first start by being thankful for what you have and sending out love, even to those whom perhaps you do not love.
You have to remember that it is their journey NOT yours! If you are feeling love then you will attract people into your world who love you back, it is the LAW!
There are many articles, websites and books available to you for you to take this Law further and explore it all in its infinite wisdom.
I hope for many of you that it brings the end to a way of living and that you can find love and peace in your own life with its help and understanding.
I have selected a few of my favourites for you to explore by clicking on the links provided: