Do you ever feel that you are a little bit psychic ? Would you love to be able to ask questions to your ANGELS and GUIDES but not sure you will hear their answers ?
Then perhaps a pendulum is the tool for you . They are available at so many places these days and when choosing one take your time – When you look at them, note the crystal -is it quartz, amethyst, jade or any other type of crystal? It’s good to know some basics about crystals and the healing properties they have, but if you don’t, it’s ok because your crystal will pick you anyway! You will be drawn to it. It will feel comfortable in your hand. You will stare at it a lot. This is your crystal. Fabulous! So…what do you do with it?
Pendulum crystals can be used in different ways to aid healing, self discovery and growth and clairvoyance or channelling. When you ask a pendulum crystal a question you are essentially dialling a cosmic callcentre ( I love this idea )
Someone will answer and they will either speak to you themselves or put you through to the relevant department (Healing, Guides, Ancestors). Yes! It really is like this.
- Once you have purchased your pendulum make sure you have cleansed it first. They pick up energies and someone else may have handled it before you
- Allow yourself a calm and peaceful space to begin your call !Sit down and get comfortable. Your mind and body should feel relaxed with no stress.
- You may wish to meditate or relax first to help clear your mind of daily living, the more you use it the less you will need to prepare beforehand
You may prefer for the first few times to rest your arm on a table or you can hold your arm in a horizontal position, again allowing your pendulum to swing freely.
You do not have to be psychic to use a pendulum. It will guide itself. It is moved by either your thoughts or someone in spirit who works through you, generally your spirit guide.
The first step is to get the feel of the pendulum and how it will move for you.
Pendulums movements:
- straight line – side to side or front and back
circles – clockwise or counterclockwise
some pendulums bob up and down to indicate strong action, usually affirmative
The pendulum will only answer question that can be a yes or no answer You must determine the direction your pendulum will take for Yes and for No.
Hold the pendulum in your hand. With the other hand – touch the point/bobber to steady its motion.
Keep your eyes on the point.
Now address the pendulum and say, “Show me ‘Yes’.” It will soon swing in one direction, which could be side to side, back and forth, or circles.
Now say, “Show me No.” It should swing in the opposite direction.
Be certain the pendulum is not being guided by the movement of your hand or fingers.
Once you have determine the pattern for Yes and No – you are ready to begin.
There are times that the answer is unknown – or the spirit needs more information. At that time – the pendulum will generally swing diagonally or not at all.
The faster the movement – the stronger the energies.
Sometimes a pendulum will appear to bob or dance up and down. This is usually an affirmative response. the point is sometimes called a bobber.
There are generally no rituals involve with pendulum use, though some people hold their pendulum in the palm of their hand before they begin, to ‘charge’ it.
When you ask your questions you may want to record the answers.
Now you are ready to begin to ask your questions.
- Start with something simple such as, “Is it sunny today?” “Is it Monday?” “Are you here to answer my questions?”
Once you get the ‘swing’ of it – you can move on to personal questions.
Remember to only ask a question ONCE. If you want more information – you might want to use a chart. At this time the pendulum should be about two inches above the chart – or as is comfortable.
If the motion of your pendulum increases – or the circles get larger – the energy is increasing and you can expect change linked to the question you were asking. Pursue further questions to get additional information.
Have fun and relax whilst doing it. Try different pendulums for different energies. Have fun with friends and experiment with different questions.
I have used one for as long as I can remember.
ALWAYS say thank you afterwards and remember to ground yourself
Paula xxxx
With help from