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Good morning, afternoon, evening – or whatever time of day it may be when you feast your eyes on this! Just me, checking in again for my twice monthly ramble… I love coming on here to tell you all about my time, it’s like a wee diary that’s not so private ha ha!
I’ve had a good couple of weeks, despite feeling old feelings of anxiety and panic, i’m dealing well with it and spending time with friends and family is helping a great deal. Isn’t it funny, when you don’t feel something for a while (anxious) and then all of a sudden feelings of it creep back into your life for whatever reason, it feels so alien![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
I’m writing this article this week whilst we’re away touring down in Huddersfield, Liverpool, Chester and Stoke on Trent & its been wonderful to be back ‘on the road’ as such and travelling the country seeing all the lovely people coming along to see Paula do her thaaang!
Now time for a catch up…
I’ll touch on last week and last weekend firstly…
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Lyndsey got a HAIR CUT… quite a normal thing for most… however honest to god for the past year she has been wanting to get it cut but we never quite got round to it. It had gotten to the stage where it was out of hand and far too long for her little arms to reach down her back. Off to the hairdressers we trotted and the weekend and now it’s looking sleek and beautiful! Of course, having new hair meant that we had to celebrate with brunch – and where else to do this but the fabulous Scott’s in Port Edgar. If you have been reading my blogs you will remember we visited here a few weeks ago with our friends for dinner. Well Saturday felt like the perfect time to try it back out during the day. I had smoked salmon, poached eggs and asparagus, it was lovely!
The views from Scott’s are to die for, of all 3 bridges over the Fourth River. It’s a lovely place to go especially with the blues skies and sunshine making an appearance!
We enjoyed the rest of our day on Saturday pottering around and even made it through to Ikea to pick up a rug for our living room that I was waiting for them to get back in stock again. Little things like this make me happy and the fact it was a complete bargain thrilled me even more! (I kid you not, I’m the girl you’ll see browsing the yellow sticker and reduced isles in the supermarket because I love to see what you can get!)
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Monday came and before I knew it it was time to pack the suitcase and go away again for a few days touring. This has been out first proper stint away since before Christmas so I always knew it was going to be tough leaving Lyndsey and Keith that morning. I creeped into Lyndsey’s wardrobe however and stole her good t-shirt to wear for bed whilst i’m away! I love doing this, it makes such a difference taking something away that reminds you of home! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”91964″ img_size=”medium” alignment=”right”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]
I miss my little Keith Thompson more than ever this week & was sent this photo on Tuesday night of him having a snooze cuddled into Lyndsey… Look at that little face!! He’s so precious and I can’t believe hes 6 already.
He’s the sweetest boy, he can make me smile no matter how i’m feeling, I really do believe animals are the best therapy for anyone going through anything. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
This week away has gone so quickly, already it’s Thursday and tonight after our event we’re making the journey back home, 5 hours at 10pm is never fun, but it gets us home and it’s always worth it to wake up in my own bed come Friday morning. We’ve had a really good week, the shows have been easy and fun, but filled with emotion which is a perfect mix.
Next week see’s us doing home shows, we have Falkirk on Monday, Hamilton on Wednesday and Stranraer on Friday, and thrown right in the middle of all that is Valentines day. I’m still to decide how myself and Lyndsey are going to celebrate… but since I’m not really a ‘going out for dinner’ person, I think she should cook for me, do we all agree??
Over and out till next time my little lovelies 🙂