For those of you who know me you will know I am a huge advocate for signs from our Angels and guides in spirit. More often than not these signs will be subtle and unique but hard hitting all at the same time.
So many people come to me and say they never receive a sign and I genuinely find it hard to believe but I feel sometimes people are expecting massive signs like a Hollywood size sign appearing before them, in reality this isn’t going to happen but more the likelihood that their favourite song will appear on the radio in the car JUST when you turn the engine on! Is that a sign I hear you say to me as you read this. YES ~ can you hear me shout at you right now?
It’s all about synchronicity, being in the exact place your angels want you to be at the same time as the song plays. No coincidence, no playing around. Your Angels like it simple and to be fair easy to put across to you, but how many of these signs are you actually getting or should I ask the question how many are you actually missing? Whatever time of day you might be reading this, stop right now and just take a moment to reflect on perhaps when something like this has actually happened to you since a loved one has crossed over.
Make a conscious effort to stop looking for massive things and pay attention to the smaller things in your life and above all else simply ask them for a sign! YES you ask them, amazing huh?
When I talk to spirit I do it all in my head and my body . The only difference perhaps between you and I is that I NEVER question the response and I TRUST them 100%, maybe time for you to do the same?
One such sign happened to me just this week. Myself and my management team were travelling by train to Manchester for a huge super important meeting. I knew my brothers were with me and they proved that during the meeting. The meeting went really well and we actually stayed a little too long and had to rush to catch our train. I may add the ONLY train that would connect us to our train home. Everything went smoothly and we made it with seconds to spare. We got on to a very packed commuter train and it was standing only so I asked my boys to get a seat, we pulled into a stain. And sure enough right in front of me became two seats. One for me and one for Debbie my Admin on Tour Manager (one of her titles for the millions of things she does to keep me going) We were talking about the meeting and getting all excited when something flew passed me, I panicked thinking it was a wasp and I looked again and it was Ladybird! It landed on the window much to my delight, I squealed like a small child and Debbie got up to go and try take a photo and it landed on her leg, look at the photo above.
The ladybird then crawled on to Debbie’s hand and on to my hand and sat there for over 30 minutes, just sat looking around. I knew everyone i knew In heaven had come via this tiny creature to tell me it was going to be good! We got off the train at Manchester and I placed him on a leaf on a plant display, but to be fair he needed to be encouraged to leave us. We walked to a table and sat down waiting for our train to take us home and received a call from my manager to say the meeting was “in the bag” so my ladybird was there to tell me that good luck was on the way and all would be well and spirit? Well of course, they ALREADY knew this as they had created it all months before even I knew.
The smallest of signs but an enormous impact on me! Look for yours today.