Helping You Cope
Over the next few weeks I will be posting different methods to help you cope. These may be of huge to help to you and you may find yourself preferring others and maybe not liking some . That’s OK by the way. Getting through an emotional journey is not a ONE GLOVE FITS ALL as I have found out. So try them all and see what ones work for you and then really milk them !
The STOP Method
I love to journal and have done for the last year or so. I’m not particularly good at it but I have found it very helpful when trying to express my thoughts and to keep a track of where I am in my head !
This is a fabulous method if you like to journal or even if you don’t , to keep a diary or notebook to help express those feelings that you would otherwise find hard to release. It’s VITAL to learn to express those hidden emotions that many of us, myself included, find hard to talk about .
S ~ stop what you are doing right now ! Yes right now . Freeze in space and time. Take that important step back from life for a moment or two. If you can’t because of work then ask to be excused or find a time when you can
T~ Take a breath or a few if you want too. Feel your stomach rise and fall with each breath in and really fill those lungs . Focus only on your breathing . Count 10 breaths ……breath in 1 breath out 2 breath in 3 and so on . Repeat for as many times as you like !
O ~ Observe how you feel . Don’t be afraid , it won’t hurt you. Own those feelings , they are your body trying to help you. Is your heart racing? Are you sweaty , do you feel faint. It isolated to feel all of this and more. Give them all names ~ do not fear or try to stop it , just simply observe and let it come and go
P ~ proceed with your day and take control . Are you hungry do you need to rest for 5 minutes. Do you need to carry on at work . You decide . But do not give in ! You have this , you can do this .
The stop method is about taking control and allowing these moments to take place without more panic . It’s about listening to your own body and just observing what its doing again without panic.
You can do this anywhere you feel the need to literally nip what could turn into something more, right in the bud before it grows arms and legs !
Do this as many times as you need to and see what an improvement there may be after just a few days
Love Paula